Jan Gehl,in his book Life Between Buildings:Using Public Space,divides outdoor activity into three categories:necessary,optional,and social.
Necessary outdoor activity includes going to work or school, waiting for a bus, and running errands in general.The frequency of everyday tasks that individuals must do, such as shopping,is only slightly dictated by the physical environment.These activities will occur year-round,in all conditions, as the participant has no choice.
When the quality of the environment is good, individuals will often linger and take their time while doing a necessary activity.But if the environment is unengaging or of poor quitliy,only the necessary activity will occur.
Optional outdoor activity includes activities that one does if one has the time and if the place makes it possible and comfortable.These are activities such as recreational walking, sitting on a park bencher sunbathing.These occur only under optimal conditions, and are not undertaken when weather or physical conditions are not conducive.Most activities that are especially pleasant to pursue outdoors, such as rollerblading or skateboarding ,fall into this optional category and are dependent on the physical environment and other quality-of-life factors.
Social outdoor activities require the presence of others and a public space, and include children at play, adults in conversation, and communal activities.The most common and popular of these activities is what Gehl calls passive contacts,referring to watching and hearing other people.



