玛莱区位于塞纳河右岸,历史悠久。经过十七世纪至十八世纪的中叶一百五十年的经营,成为法国上流社会的聚集区。Malai is beside the right bank of Seine, having long history . After almost 150 years's development from 17th century to the middle of 18th century , it become the the central point of the select society .
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺2014年10月25日,巴黎毕加索博物馆重新对外开放,这一天也是毕加索的生日,毕加索于1881年出生于西班牙的马拉加地区。Musee Picasso reopened at Octber , 25th , 2014. It's also his birthday , because he borned in Malaga in Spain , 1881.
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺但是直到他于1973年去世前,他一生大部分的时间都是在法国度过的。Before he passed away in 1973, he spent most of her life in France .
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺历时五年重新开放。After 5 years , reopened again .
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺法国巴黎毕加索博物馆(Musee Picasso)在这里收集了许多毕加索的画作及雕刻作品。Here in Musee Picasso in Paris , they collect a lot of Picasso's work of pictures and sculpture.
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺馆中藏有毕加索的5000多幅作品,从油画到素描、版画、雕塑,种类非常繁多。More than 5000 pieces of Picasso in Musee . It's a big verity of oil paintings, pencil sketches , wood blocks, sculptures.
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺在这座古典装饰的大宅中,欣赏现代立体主义大师的绘画,建筑的空间设计非常美。People are enjoying the paintings of modern cubist in this classic mansion . The space design of this architecture is very beautiful .
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺毕加索作为立体主义的创始人在艺术史上留下了浓墨重彩的一笔。As an founder of cubism , Picasso leaved such an indelible mark in art history .
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺毕加索博物馆收藏的画家本人珍贵的照片。The precious photos which collected by the Musee.
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺画家年轻的照片。A photo when he was young.
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺博物馆展示了画家每个阶段,成长过程中的照片。Actually , every stage of his growing up , Musee has photos there.
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺1917年36岁至意大利为俄罗斯芭蕾舞团作舞台设计,邂逅舞者奥莉嘉-科克洛瓦。奥尔嘉(第一任妻子)。In 1917, he is 36 . When he went to Italy to do the stage design , he met the dancer --Olga Klova unexpectedly . She is his first wife.
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺毕加索的儿子-保罗。Picasso's son -- Paul.
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺毕加索从小就很有艺术天赋,他会做惟妙惟肖的剪纸,还创作了许多惊人的绘画作品。Picasso showed his art talent when he was young , he did the paper-cut vividly , and a lot amazing painting works.
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺毕加索是位多产画家,据统计,他的作品总计近37000件,包括:油画1885幅,素描7089幅,版画20000幅,平版画6121幅。Picasso is a prolific painter. According to figures , he made almost 37000 pieces . Included: 1885 pieces oil paintings ; 7089 pieces pencil sculptures ; 20000 pieces prints and 6121 pieces lithographs .
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺对于作品,毕加索说:“我的每一幅画中都装有我的血,这就是我的画的含义。” Picasso said : " Every piece of my art include my blood also , this is the meanings of my art work ."
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺“沉思”- penser ,蓝色沉思的,极美的女人。Ruminating -penser , lady in blue , is ruminating , such a beautiful lady .
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺张大千曾拜访过毕加索,在张大千面前,毕加索毫不掩饰自己对于中国绘画与书法艺术的爱好,并谦虚到自叹不如。Chang Dai-Chien used to visit Picasso . But in front of him, Picasso can't help to show his interest in Chinese painting and calligraphy . And very humble to consider himself inferior to Chien.
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺画家的线条表现,画家对于新的艺术形式,是一个很谦逊的学习态度。To the line performance and the new art form , the artist is vey humble to learn .
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺“母与子”,母子的创作题材,来自于画家的生活原型。"Mother and son" , it's come from the original life .
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺古典空间中,现代雕塑的搭配。The modern sculpture matched with the classic space.
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺丰富的手稿,信件,展示了法国博物馆管理的丰富历史和专业。Abundant manuscripts and letters shows how professional and experienced of museum management in France.
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺画家开始尝试和探索,陶瓷的制作。He start to try and explore how to make ceramic.
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺在作画的画家,老照片。Old photo about artist is painting.
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺毕加索画室的速写. Sketch about Picasso's studio.
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺丰富的颜色搭配与表现。A verity of colors and expressions .
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺毕加索以这种精心组织的构图,创造出一个个充满动感与刺激的夸张变形的形象。Picasso is good at the well-organized composition . He created exaggerate images full of action and stimulus.
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺表现得统一有序,既刻画出丰富多变的细节,又突出与强调了重点,显示出深厚的艺术功力。Organized , but also full of changes , shows his strong artistic skills.
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺在西方现代艺术中,立体主义是一个具有重大影响的运动和画派。In western modern art , cubism is the very important movement and paint way .
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺毕加索绘画的主要趋势是丰富的造型手段,即空间、色彩与线的运用。The main trend of Picasso's paintings is the variety of technical skills of design : which is how to use the space , color and line .
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺在20世纪,没有一位艺术家能像毕加索一样,画风多变而人尽皆知。In 20th century , none of anybody else can have changeable style and still well-known like Picasso .
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺画家开始尝试陶瓷的表现形式。He started to try the expression through ceramic.
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺毕加索不仅是一位富于叛逆精神的大胆创新者,同时也是一位尊崇和精通传统的艺术家。Not only a bold creative man , but also respect and proficient about traditional arts.
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺博物馆中,典藏了丰富的画家手稿。A lot of his manuscripts are collected here.
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺立体派画家受到塞尚“用圆柱体、球体和圆锥体来处理自然”的思想启示,试图在画中创造结构美。The cubist was inspired by Cezanne 's thinking " deal with nature by using cylinder , sphere , and conical was", tried to creat structural beauty in the pictures.
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺毕加索曾说:“即使从美学角度来说人们也可以偏爱立体主义。但纸粘贴才是我们发现的真正核心。”Picasso said :" even people prefer cubism aesthetically , but paper paste is core that we found."
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺画家为儿子,保罗制作的明信片。The postcard that made for his son Paul .
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺保罗的画像。Paul's picture.
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺毕加索自己曾解释此画图像的象征含义,称公牛象征强暴,受伤的马象征受难的西班牙,闪亮的灯火象征光明与希望。Picasso used to explain the symbolic meaning of this picture . He sail the bull symbolized violent , and the injured horse symbolized Spanish, and the shining lights means bright and hope.
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺此处,呈现画家在很久以前的,生活工作场景。Here , shows the work and life about artist long time ago .
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺线条,快面组成的静物。Lines , make up to a still object.
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺毕加索博物馆,传统和现代的建筑风格,整体的氛围,轻松而和谐。Picasso's Musee , with traditional and modern style , the whole atmosphere is relaxing and peaceful.
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺画家的充满想象力的雕塑作品,面部如一位,在呼吸的儿童。This sculpture is full of imagination , the face is like a child who is breathing .
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺画家综合材料的作品创作,并且将那些不相干的拼贴材料,纳入一个有机的统一体中。The art work is from comprehensive materials , and also put the non-related collage material in an organic environment .
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺毕加索,一生都在源源不断的创作。Picasso , he continues creating his art work in the whole life.
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺立体主义的形成和演变。Cubism's formation and evolution.
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺在抽象中,也是有无时无刻的具象和秩序。From abstract , you can always find concretization and order.
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺大量的手稿创作,见证了画家不断探索的过程和执着。From all the manuscripts , we can see all the hard working and insistence.
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺带着女儿看画儿的妈妈。Visiting the art pictures with daughter.
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺参观的人群。So many visiting people.
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺画家,一生都在孜孜不倦的创作。Artist , creating pieces in his whole life.
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺在日常生活中的,我们去发现和创造艺术。We can always find and creat art in our normal life.
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺艺术来源于生活。Art comes from life.
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺用一颗平静而从容的心,去欣赏和发掘生活中的美和艺术。With a calm and pieceful heart , to find the beauty in our life.
毕加索博物馆-秀娟书画-游于艺“游于艺”--2017年/法国巴黎/毕加索博物馆-8月11日-龚秀娟Grace Gong "Travel with Art" --2017 / Paris/ Picasso's Musee -- August , 11th -- Grace gong .