女性真的得到了半边天的待遇吗?Female Rights in

女性真的得到了半边天的待遇吗?Female Rights in

作者: 小心ll这里有一个星球 | 来源:发表于2019-07-11 12:37 被阅读0次

#Metoo以来,美国各大颁奖典礼也持续性地跟踪宣导着女性权利,特别地令在场嘉宾和屏幕外的观众动容。今年Nike新广告“Dream Crazier”也很逢时地做了运动洁先锋女性专场,从第一位“违规”参跑马拉松的Kathrine Switzer, 到现代社会对女性特定情绪表现打的“符号标签”,都用了一个词组来激励所有人“为梦想疯狂的人”。可打开此链接观看:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av44654371/

Since #Metoo# movement, female rights have continued to be a hot topic at American awards ceremonies, remaining inspiring to their audiences. Nike’s new advertisement joined the campaign featuring trail-blazing female figures in the history of sports industry. It’s about name-calling, social bullying females have been experiencing. Nike sums it up to one phrase - “Dream Crazier”. Watch the video here: https://www.bilibili.com/video/av44654371/

感受到现代女性应该有的勇气,信心,能量之后,我知道面对现实,警觉或许比决心更为重要。Malcom Gladwell的Revionist History其中一期更是讲到了令人不免气馁气愤的故事:

My heart was pumping fast whilewatching this ad in between other gender study speeches; however, I know that the reality and human nature is way more complex than a slogan. It’s important to remain vigilant because the broad picture is now clear but details remains unknown. Two stories in Malcolm Gladwell's podcast Revionist History have made me can't help but feel that the present is gloomy.


Elizabeth Thompson (1846-1933) Self-portrait, 1869

在19世纪70年代的英国,女性学习绘画还未成为普遍现象,Elizabeth Thompson闯入了当时最有威望的艺术协会 the Royal Academy的视野, 她的描绘了英俄战争克里米亚的画作“The Roll Call”也被选中并挂在了最为显眼的位置。当时的Royal Academy享有现如今的奥斯卡颁奖礼一样的地位。这幅画作展出时,全大英帝国的艺术迷们都前来观看,比喜茶刚开业时的排队景象不知热烈了多少倍。就连《每日邮报》都为英国艺术界撼动,评论道“在英国的艺术届,真正的天才从不被埋没。” 26岁的Elizabeth也首次作为女性被提名参选成为Royal Academy的成员,然而两票之差被男人统管下的的高等(多金)艺术俱乐部拒之门外。被连同打入冷宫的还有第二年她提交的另外一幅画作。这幅画作描绘了滑铁卢之战,在艺术届得到的反响不低于The Roll Call, 然而被放置于Royal Academy永不见天日的Lecture Room,又名黑洞 (冷宫)。不久,Royal Academy出台了限制女性加入自己俱乐部的新规定。1881年,Elizabeth完成了一副她最负盛名的画作《苏格兰万岁》。这是一副从未展示过给Royal Academy男性俱乐部看过的画作,一副极为精细、生动地描绘了滑铁卢之战的画作。这幅画作的影响力延续至今,甚至第一次世界大战期间,英国和德国都将此画作印在了自己的宣传册中。

再之后,被称之为先锋的Elizabeth嫁了人,随了夫姓,养育了6个孩子。这位丈夫后期的自传里连Elizabeth的名字都没有出现过。如果你去听MalcomGladwell的这期节目,在21分33秒,他读了Elizabeth Thompson自己传记里的一句话 “1879年,我已两票之差落选。在那之后,那扇大门就已经关上了,多么合乎情理之中。” 连Malcom Gladwell的语气也充满了遗憾。

我找到了1990年一篇文章,其中引用了Royal Academy 成员的一句话“我们认为(女性)就应该在家里做事,那里最为隐私,并且可以免去屈从于其他佣主的风险。”


In 1980s, women weren’t allowed to draw the undraped model. Surprisingly to all, Elizabeth Thompson, an outsider artist, surged into the top ranking art community –Royal Academy- with her brilliant painting,The Roll Call,depicting Crimean war. Roll Call was the hit of the year and artists from all over the country swarmed to see it. The whole country was cheering for Royal Academy’s opening up; Daily Telegraph wrote “that real genius has no insurmountable obstacles to encounter.” That year, Elizabeth Thompson as only 26, and though she was only two votes short to entering the boy’s club, the whole country was optimistic about her future career advancement. However, Royal Academy revised their rules and made sure women were not allowed to serve the council and they were not allowed to attend the banquet. The next year, another brilliant painting calledQuatre Bras was submitted by Elizabeth Thompson, which has aroused as much public interest asThe Roll Call did, was being hung in the Lecture Room, a notoriously bad spot known as “the Black Hole” meaning the paintings hung there will likely not to be viewed. In 1881, Elizabeth Thompson completed her most famous paintingScotland Forever. It was considered an iconic representation of the battle of Waterloo in 1815. Having being insulted by whereQuatre Bras was hung, the artist never showedScotland Foreverto Royal Academy. This painting has received international acclaim and during the First World War, both the British and the Germans used the image intheir propaganda material. This is how good Elizabeth Thompson is as a painter.

A few years later, Elizabeth Thompson married and “her career took a back seat to her husband’s”. In her husband’s autobiography, Elizabeth Thompson’s name was nowhere to be seen. In her ownautobiograph, there is only one brief sentence about the story that people would dedicate a whole book to. This is all she wrote, “As it turned out in 1879, I lost my election by two votes only. Since then, I think the door hasbeen closed, and wisely.” If you listen to Malcom Gladwell saying it, his tone sounds, like how every person would feel about this, defeated. This is how unfortunately Elizabeth Thompson was as a woman.

I’ve found a quote from a member of Royal Academy in an article about Elizabeth Thompson published on Arts Journalin 1990; it reads “we see [woman] endowed with a vocation which can be cultivated within her own home, and in the very utmost privacy, without the risk of submission to any galling tyranny or more galling patronage.” I say utter ballocks!

The Roll Call - Royal Collection Trust/© Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2016

Quatre Bras- National Gallery of Victoria

Scotland Forever  - Leeds Art Gallery


Julia Gillard的当选打破了110年来澳大利亚的男性不间断政治强权。而在她作为澳大利亚总理执政期间,被打上过各种社会专属赋予给女性的负面标签。父亲去世时,被刻薄地讽刺道她的父亲因为被她丢尽了脸而身亡;餐厅甚至以她的名字来命名一道菜,而描述中充满了对女性身材的讽夷。如果你去听这期节目,请一定多听一遍29分23秒起Julia Gillard在众议院对对立党派Tony Abbott的指控。Tony Abbott及其他对立党派人士叫Julia Gillard女巫。我试着搜了“Ditch the Witch”谷歌整一页都是Tony Abbott站在“Ditch the Witch”牌子前的图片。

我本以为自中世纪黑死病之后、希腊神话故事、莎士比亚等文学著作之外,有才智的人会慎用“女巫”这个词。然而,许多有政治权利、执政能力的女性,从法国民族英雄圣女贞德、克利奥帕特拉七世(又被坊间称为埃及艳后)、到希拉里·克林顿和特丽莎·梅通通被叫过女巫。唯一的区别大概只存于形式,贞德被战败的英国用女巫罪名处死,希拉里和特丽莎被在社交平台用女巫的形象和声音恶搞。如果你说Tony Abbott会开出希望回到中世纪,便可以让JuliaGillard消失让位的玩笑,我或许都觉得不会断送他的政治生涯,他也会继续于2013年成为Julia Gillard的继任总理。因为他是男人,而社会对男人的宽容度又是喜马拉雅山峰那样的高。

Julia Gillard was elected to be the first female prime minister in Australia and ended a consecutive 110 years of male rule. Unsurprisingly, as other women with superior intelligence, she was called “witch” and others. When her father passed away, a host on national TV said her father died of shame of her; a restaurant named one dish after her, with descriptions full of disparaging language regarding female body. If you are going to listen to it, which I strongly recommend doing, please play Julia Gillard’s anti-misogyny speech at 29’23’’ against the leader of the Liberal party Tony Abbott.

I googled “Ditch the Witch”, the first page of results in News and Image sections were full of Tony Abbott standing next to a sign with “Ditch the Witch”. I thought after the black death, other than Greek tales, Shakespeare’s novels, any intellectual person would think twice before using the word “witch” to refer to an intellectual woman. However, the reality has proven me wrong. From Joan of Arc, Cleopatra VII Philopator, to modern time Hillary Clinton and Teresa May. The only difference might be that Joan of Arc was executed for casting witchery while Hillary Clinton and Teresa May were made into Witch emoji on social medias. I bet Tony Abbott would still have been elected to be Julia Gillard’s successor even though he had made more outrageous statements about Julia Gillard like “I wish it was still medieval where we could disappear witches” because the level of societal tolerance we, both men and women, give to male is as high as the Himalayas.

Tony Abbott standing next to the sign that says "Ditch the Witch"

最后Malcom Gladwell列举了一系列女性政治领袖昙花一现的国家。而这些都证实了一个社会学术语“Moral Licensing”:人们一旦做了一件好事,便像是得了去做相反的更多坏事的尚方宝剑。例如:投票给奥巴马的人可能正因为投票给了非白人候选人,而得到了可以继续歧视有色人种的尚方宝剑;为女性开了一次先河,便获得了继续歧视和对女性不公平的尚方宝剑;…… 


In the end, Malcom Gladwell listed the countries that have elected women as the leader of the country once and never again. And this is just one case of a newly invented sociological term “Moral Licensing”. It means that doing one good deed tends to "exonerate" us from doing other bad things. For example, people who voted for Barack Obama would continue their discriminating behaviors against people of color;opening door to one woman exonerates men’s future actions to close the door again and forever……

 A lot to unpack and take away here...

Poor Hillary Clinton



To leave us with some hope,I want to use a quote, as my crazier dream, from a famous female rights TV program in China called Half the Sky:

“Women and men together created human history. Men and women are now inventing the future of the world we live in. While numerous reasons have caused inequality in human society,Half the Sky values and pursues equality. War, terrorism, pollution, selfishness, and greed are still troubling us; and we women (the English word women soundsthe same as the Chinese word us) demand peace, love, nature, equality, and devotion.”


Peace Y'all

资料来源 Source:

1. Ushwood, Paul."Elizabeth Thompson Butler: A Case of Tokenism."Woman's Art Journal Vol. 11, No. 2 (Autumn, 1990 - Winter, 1991), pp. 14-18.

2. Gladwell, Malcom. "The Lady Vanishes." Revionist History.©Panoply MediaII 2016 (http://revisionisthistory.com/episodes/01-the-lady-vanishes)



      本文标题:女性真的得到了半边天的待遇吗?Female Rights in
