五、**hprof(Heap/CPU Profiling Tool)
java -agentlib:hprof[=options] ToBeProfiledClass
java -Xrunprof[:options] ToBeProfiledClass
javac -J-agentlib:hprof[=options] ToBeProfiledClass
Option Name and Value Description Default
heap=dump|sites|all heap profiling all
cpu=samples|times|old CPU usage off
monitor=y|n monitor contention n
format=a|b text(txt) or binary output a
file= write data to file java.hprof[.txt]
net=: send data over a socket off
depth= stack trace depth 4
interval= sample interval in ms 10
cutoff= output cutoff point 0.0001
lineno=y|n line number in traces? y
thread=y|n thread in traces? n
doe=y|n dump on exit? y
msa=y|n Solaris micro state accounting n
force=y|n force output to y
verbose=y|n print messages about dumps y
CPU Usage Sampling Profiling(cpu=samples)的例子:
java -agentlib:hprof=cpu=samples,interval=20,depth=3 Hello
CPU Usage Times Profiling(cpu=times)的例子,它相对于CPU Usage Sampling Profile能够获得更加细粒度的CPU消耗信息,能够细到每个方法调用的开始和结束,它的实现使用了字节码注入技术(BCI):
javac -J-agentlib:hprof=cpu=times Hello.java
Heap Allocation Profiling(heap=sites)的例子:
javac -J-agentlib:hprof=heap=sites Hello.java
Heap Dump(heap=dump)的例子,它比上面的Heap Allocation Profiling能生成更详细的Heap Dump信息:
javac -J-agentlib:hprof=heap=dump Hello.java
虽然在JVM启动参数中加入-Xrunprof:heap=sites参数可以生成CPU/Heap Profile文件,但对JVM性能影响非常大,不建议在线上服务器环境使用