标准模板库(STL)之 vector 用法【初级】

标准模板库(STL)之 vector 用法【初级】

作者: Aliven888 | 来源:发表于2020-08-12 00:24 被阅读0次





Vectors are sequence containers representing arrays that can change in size.
Just like arrays, vectors use contiguous storage locations for their elements, which means that their elements can also be accessed using offsets on regular pointers to its elements, and just as efficiently as in arrays. But unlike arrays, their size can change dynamically, with their storage being handled automatically by the container.
Internally, vectors use a dynamically allocated array to store their elements. This array may need to be reallocated in order to grow in size when new elements are inserted, which implies allocating a new array and moving all elements to it. This is a relatively expensive task in terms of processing time, and thus, vectors do not reallocate each time an element is added to the container.
Instead, vector containers may allocate some extra storage to accommodate for possible growth, and thus the container may have an actual capacity greater than the storage strictly needed to contain its elements (i.e., its size). Libraries can implement different strategies for growth to balance between memory usage and reallocations, but in any case, reallocations should only happen at logarithmically growing intervals of size so that the insertion of individual elements at the end of the vector can be provided with amortized constant time complexity (see push_back).
Therefore, compared to arrays, vectors consume more memory in exchange for the ability to manage storage and grow dynamically in an efficient way.
Compared to the other dynamic sequence containers (deques, lists and forward_lists), vectors are very efficient accessing its elements (just like arrays) and relatively efficient adding or removing elements from its end. For operations that involve inserting or removing elements at positions other than the end, they perform worse than the others, and have less consistent iterators and references than lists and forward_lists.



名称 描述
begin Return iterator to beginning (public member function )
end Return iterator to end (public member function )
rbegin Return reverse iterator to reverse beginning (public member function )
rend Return reverse iterator to reverse end (public member function )
cbegin Return const_iterator to beginning (public member function )
cend Return const_iterator to end (public member function )
crbegin Return const_reverse_iterator to reverse beginning (public member function )
crend Return const_reverse_iterator to reverse end (public member function )


名称 描述
size Return size (public member function )
max_size Return maximum size (public member function )
resize Change size (public member function )
capacity Return size of allocated storage capacity (public member function )
empty Test whether vector is empty (public member function )
reserve Request a change in capacity (public member function )
shrink_to_fit Shrink to fit (public member function )


名称 描述
operator[] Access element (public member function )
at Access element (public member function )
front Access first element (public member function )
back Access last element (public member function )
data Access data (public member function )


名称 描述
assign Assign vector content (public member function )
push_back Add element at the end (public member function )
pop_back Delete last element (public member function )
insert Insert elements (public member function )
erase Erase elements (public member function )
swap Swap content (public member function )
clear Clear content (public member function )
emplace Construct and insert element (public member function )
emplace_back Construct and insert element at the end (public member function )



    //例如:vcVector[1, 2, 3, 4]   itBegin 指向 1
    //在C++11中引入了cbegin() 返回一个const类型的迭代器,和begin的区别就是,const类型的迭代器不能用于修改参数值。
    std::vector<int>::iterator itBegin = vcVector.begin();  
    //例如:vcVector[1, 2, 3, 4]   itBegin 指向 4 的下一个位置,所以判断是常用 (itBegin != itEnd) 来表示遍历结束
    //在C++11中引入了cend() 返回一个const类型的迭代器,和end的区别就是,const类型的迭代器不能用于修改参数值。
    std::vector<int>::iterator itEnd = vcVector.end();  
    //返回逆向队列的第一个数据, 即容器的最后一个数据。
    //在C++11中引入了crbegin() 返回一个const类型的迭代器,和rbegin的区别就是,const类型的迭代器不能用于修改参数值。
    std::vector<int>::reverse_iterator itRbegin = vcVector.rbegin();
    //返回逆向队列的最后一个数据的下一个位置, 即容器的第一个数据再往前的一个位置
    //在C++11中引入了crend() 返回一个const类型的迭代器,和rend的区别就是,const类型的迭代器不能用于修改参数值。
    std::vector<int>::reverse_iterator itREnd = vcVector.rend();


3.2.1 size()

    /***********  size()    ***********/
    //Returns the number of elements in the vector
    int iSzie = vcVector.size();

3.2.2 max_size()

    /***********  max_size()    ***********/
    //Returns the maximum number of elements that the vector can hold
    //int iMaxSize = vcVector.max_size();

3.2.3 capacity()

    /***********  capacity()    ***********/
    //Returns the size of the storage space currently allocated for the vector, expressed in terms of elements.
    int iCapacity = vcVector.capacity();

3.2.4 resize(...)

    /*********** resize(n) 和 resize(n,x) ***********/
    //Resizes the container so that it contains n elements.
    //vcVector.resize(3);  //3 个容量的值都是默认 0
    vcVector.resize(3, 6); //3 个容量的值都是 6

3.2.5 reserve(...)

    /***********  reserve(n) ***********/
    //Requests that the vector capacity be at least enough to contain n elements.
    int iCapacity = vcVector.capacity(); //修改前 iCapacity == 0
    iCapacity = vcVector.capacity(); //修改后 iCapacity == 4

3.2.6 empty()

    /***********  empty() ***********/
    //Returns whether the vector is empty (i.e. whether its size is 0).
    //true if the container size is 0, false otherwise.
    if (vcVector.empty)
        cout << "vcVector is empty." << endl;

3.2.7 shrink_to_fit()

    /***********  shrink_to_fit() ***********/
    // C++11 引入的属性
    //Requests the container to reduce its capacity to fit its size.
    int iCapacity = vcVector.capacity();   //修改前 iCapacity == 3
    vcVector.resize(10);  //重置尺寸
    iCapacity = vcVector.capacity();  //修改后 iCapacity == 10


3.3.1 operator[]

    /***********  operator[] ***********/
    //Returns a reference to the element at position n in the vector container.
    int iValue = vcVector[1];  //iValue == 2

3.3.2 at(...)

    /***********  at(n) ***********/
    //Returns a reference to the element at position n in the vector.
    int iValue = vcVector.at(1);  //iValue == 2

3.3.3 front() 和 back()

    /***********  front() 和  back() ***********/
    //Returns a reference to the first(last) element in the vector.
    int iValueFont = vcVector.front();  //获取位于起点位置的值
    int iValueBack = vcVector.back();   //获取位于终点位置的值

3.3.4 data()

    /***********  data() ***********/
    //C++11 引入的
    //Returns a direct pointer to the memory array used internally by the vector to store its owned elements.
    int *iElements = vcVector.data();  //获取容器的全部值
    for (int i = 0; i < vcVector.size(); ++i, iElements++)
        cout << "iElements[" <<  i << "] - value[" << *iElements << "]");


3.4.1 assign(...)

    /***********  assign(...) ***********/
    //C++11 引入的
    //Assigns new contents to the vector, replacing its current contents, and modifying its size accordingly.

    //assign 重置容器的值,包括尺寸,和resize()函数作用类似
    //例如:vcVector[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]  --> vcVector[6, 6, 6]  
    vcVector.assign(3, 6);

    ///例如:vcVector[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] - vcChild[5, 6, 7]  --> vcVector[5, 6]  
    std::vector<int> vcChild;
    std::vector<int>::iterator itChildBegin = vcChild.begin();
    itChildBegin = vcChild.begin();
    vcVector.assign(itChildBegin, itChildBegin + 2);

3.4.2 push_back(...)

    /*********** push_back  ***********/
    //Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
    //The content of val is copied (or moved) to the new element.
    //在向量的最后一个元素之后的向量的末尾添加一个新元素。 val的内容被复制(或移动)到新元素。

3.4.3 pop_back(...)

    /*********** pop_back  ***********/
    //Removes the last element in the vector, effectively reducing the container size by one.
    //例如:vcVector[1, 2, 3, 4]  --> vcVector[1, 2, 3] 

3.4.4 insert(...)

    /*********** insert  ***********/
    //C++11 引入的
    //The vector is extended by inserting new elements before the element at the specified position, 
    //effectively increasing the container size by the number of elements inserted.
    std::vector<int>::iterator itBegin = vcVector.begin();  
    std::vector<int>::iterator itEnd = vcVector.end(); 
    //在起点位置插入元素 < 0 1 2 3 >
    vcVector.insert(itBegin, 0);

    //vcVector.insert(itEnd, 4);     //这个是错误写法,会导致程序崩掉
    vcVector.push_back(4);         //这个才是正确的写法

    std::vector<int> vcChild;
    itBegin = vcVector.begin(); //更新下迭代器
    vcVector.insert(itBegin, vcChild.begin(), vcChild.end());  //< 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 >
    itEnd = vcVector.end();     //更新下迭代器
    vcVector.insert(itEnd, vcChild.begin(), vcChild.end());   //< 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 >

    std::vector<int>::iterator itChildBegin = vcChild.begin();
    itEnd = vcVector.end();     //更新下迭代器
    vcVector.insert(itEnd, itChildBegin, itChildBegin + 1);   //< 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 >

3.4.5 erase(...)

    /*********** erase  ***********/
    //Removes from the vector either a single element (position) or a range of elements ([first,last))
    std::vector<int>::iterator itBegin = vcVector.begin();

    itBegin = vcVector.begin(); //刷新迭代器
    vcVector.erase(itBegin, itBegin + 2);

3.4.6 swap(...)

    /*********** swap  ***********/
    //Exchanges the content of the container by the content of x,
    //which is another vector object of the same type. Sizes may differ.
    //用x的内容交换容器的内容,x是相同类型的另一个矢量对象。 大小可能有所不同。
    std::vector<int> vcChild;

3.4.7 emplace(...) 和 emplace_back(...)

    /*********** emplace 和 emplace_back ***********/
    //C++11 引入的
    //The container is extended by inserting a new element at position. 
    //This new element is constructed in place using args as the arguments for its construction.
    //通过在位置插入新元素来扩展容器。 这个新元素是使用args作为其构造参数构建的。
    itBegin = vcVector.begin();
    vcVector.emplace(itBegin, 1);  //在迭代器指向的元素前插入一个元素

    vcVector.emplace_back(666);  //在容器的末尾插入一个元素


2、向量定义时可以指定大小(std::vector<int> vcValue[100];),也可以不指定(std::vector<int> vcValue;)。



    本文标题:标准模板库(STL)之 vector 用法【初级】
