a. 映射通常实现为二进制搜索树。
b. 映射是关联的容器,存储按特定顺序由键值和映射值的组合形成的元素。
c. 可以使用方括号运算符((operator [])通过其对应的键直接访问映射中的映射值
d. 在映射中,键值通常用于对元素进行排序和唯一标识,而映射值存储与该键关联的内容。
e. 键和映射值的类型可能有所不同,并以成员类型value_type分组在一起,成员类型value_type是将两者结合的对类型。
名称 |
描述 |
begin |
Return iterator to beginning (public member function ) |
end |
Return iterator to end (public member function ) |
rbegin |
Return reverse iterator to reverse beginning (public member function) |
rend |
Return reverse iterator to reverse end (public member function) |
cbegin |
Return const_iterator to beginning (public member function) |
cend |
Return const_iterator to end (public member function) |
crbegin |
Return const_reverse_iterator to reverse beginning (public member function) |
crend |
Return const_reverse_iterator to reverse end (public member function) |
名称 |
描述 |
empty |
Test whether container is empty (public member function) |
size |
Return container size (public member function) |
max_size |
Return maximum size (public member function) |
2.3、元素访问(Element access)
名称 |
描述 |
operator[] |
Access element (public member function) |
at |
Access element (public member function) |
名称 |
描述 |
find |
Get iterator to element (public member function) |
count |
Count elements with a specific key (public member function) |
lower_bound |
Return iterator to lower bound (public member function) |
upper_bound |
Return iterator to upper bound (public member function) |
equal_range |
Get range of equal elements (public member function) |
名称 |
描述 |
insert |
Insert elements (public member function) |
erase |
Erase elements (public member function) |
swap |
Swap content (public member function) |
clear |
Clear content (public member function) |
emplace |
Construct and insert element (public member function) |
emplace_hint |
Construct and insert element with hint (public member function) |
std::map<int, std::string> m_mapValue;
m_mapValue.insert(pair<int, std::string>(1, "1"));
m_mapValue.insert(pair<int, std::string>(2, "2"));
m_mapValue.insert(pair<int, std::string>(3, "3"));
//获取映射表的起点元素所对应的迭代器 和 映射表的std::map::end(末尾元素的下一个)
std::map<int, std::string>::iterator itBegin = m_mapValue.begin();
std::map<int, std::string>::iterator itEnd = m_mapValue.end();
//获取映射表的反向起点元素对应的迭代器 和 反向终点的元素对应的迭代器
std::map<int, std::string>::reverse_iterator itRBegin = m_mapValue.rbegin();
std::map<int, std::string>::reverse_iterator itREnd = m_mapValue.rend();
if (!m_mapValue.empty())
qDebug("m_mapValue is not empty.");
int iSize = m_mapValue.size();
int iMax_size = m_mapValue.max_size();
qDebug("m_mapValue size[%d] and max_size[%d].", iSize, iMax_size);
3.4、访问元素(Element access)
//运算符重载 operator[]
m_mapValue[4] = "4"; //赋值
std::string strValue = m_mapValue[1]; //取值
qDebug("m_mapValue size=[%d], strValue[%s]", m_mapValue.size(), strValue.c_str());
//在 C++11 中引入的 at() 函数
//根据 key 值修改与之对应的 value 值,如果 key 不存在,则返回 out_of_range
m_mapValue.at(3) = "333"; //修改值
//m_mapValue.at(5) = "5"; //建议不要这样使用,强行修改不存在的值,此时会导致程序会异常终止
std::map<int, std::string>::iterator itFind = m_mapValue.find(3);
qDebug("itFind->first[%d], itFind->second[%s]", itFind->first, itFind->second.c_str());
int iNum = m_mapValue.count(2);
qDebug("m_mapValue has [%d] key[2]", iNum);
//iterator lower_bound(const key_type& k);
//const_iterator lower_bound(const key_type& k) const;
std::map<int, std::string>::iterator itLow = m_mapValue.lower_bound(2);
//iterator upper_bound(const key_type& k);
//const_iterator upper_bound(const key_type& k) const;
std::map<int, std::string>::iterator itUpper = m_mapValue.upper_bound(4);
//pair<const_iterator,const_iterator> equal_range (const key_type& k) const;
//pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range(const key_type& k);
std::pair<std::map<int, std::string>::iterator, std::map<int, std::string>::iterator> itRet;
itRet = m_mapValue.equal_range(2);
//pair<iterator, bool> insert(const value_type& val); //插入单个元素
//iterator insert(iterator position, const value_type& val); //在迭代器指向的元素前添加元素,但是因为map存在自动排序,所以插入的新的映射关系[key, value]要根据key键来决定
//template <class InputIterator> //按照范围添加
//void insert(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);
m_mapValue.insert(pair<int, std::string>(6, "6"));
m_mapValue.insert(itBegin, pair<int, std::string>(0, "0"));
std::map<int, std::string> mapChild;
mapChild.insert(pair<int, std::string>(7, "7"));
mapChild.insert(pair<int, std::string>(8, "8"));
mapChild.insert(pair<int, std::string>(9, "9"));
std::map<int, std::string>::iterator itChildBegin = mapChild.begin();
std::map<int, std::string>::iterator itChildEnd = mapChild.end();
m_mapValue.insert(itChildBegin, itChildEnd);
//(1) void erase(iterator position); 清除迭代器指向的元素
//(2) size_type erase(const key_type& k); 清除某个key值为k的元素
//(3) void erase(iterator first, iterator last); 清除范围内的元素值
itBegin = m_mapValue.begin(); //刷新迭代器
//清除 key 值在 [7 - 9] 之间的元素
itBegin = m_mapValue.find(7);
itEnd = m_mapValue.find(9);
//itEnd = m_mapValue.end();
m_mapValue.erase(itBegin, itEnd);
//emplace C++11
//向map中插入一对映射关系<key, value>, 并返回该映射关系指向的迭代器,如何改key键已存在,bool值返回false,否则返回true.
//template <class... Args>
//pair<iterator, bool> emplace(Args&&... args);
std::pair<std::map<int, std::string>::iterator, bool> itNoExit = m_mapValue.emplace(2, "222");
std::pair<std::map<int, std::string>::iterator, bool> itExit = m_mapValue.emplace(7, "777"); //此时的映射关系依旧是[7, "7"]
//emplace_hint C++11
//在迭代器的前面插入映射关系[key, value], 但是因为map存在自动排序,所以具体的位置有key键决定
//template <class... Args>
//iterator emplace_hint(const_iterator position, Args&&... args);
itBegin = m_mapValue.begin();
std::map<int, std::string>::iterator itNoExit_hit = m_mapValue.emplace_hint(itBegin, 3, "333");