Part 2

作者: 紫玉Cassie | 来源:发表于2019-03-18 23:15 被阅读0次

    22 July

    Dear Ms Brown

    Subject: New premises

    With reference to your advertisement in the Local newspaper, we would like to have more information about the above. Could you tell us which other firms are in the area, and what are the sizes of the units available for rental.

    Ragarding the financial help mentioned, could you inform us who would qualify it and how to apply.

    Another point to clarify is the skilled labour costs compared with other areas.

    Finally, we would be greatful if you could send us the information pack to our address.

    We look forward tovhearing from you soon.

    Yours sincerely

    Alya maideen

    Part 2



          本文标题:Part 2
