

作者: macbooks | 来源:发表于2022-03-05 09:48 被阅读0次

Poetry Scholarship Rules All poems must be the



Poetry Scholarship Rules All poems must be the original creation of the submitting author. All rights to the poems must be owned by the author and shall remain the property of the author. The author gives Wolff Poetry Literary Magazine permission to publish and display the poem on the Web (in electronic form only) if the poem is chosen as a winner or finalist. Winners will be contacted within 45 days of the deadline date. The $ 250 scholarship is open to everyone except employees of Wolff Poetry Literary Magazine and their families.

In the first term of college, Professor Kelly lectured us in his Acting 1 class about the importance of taking the business of acting seriously. As I prepare to take on my senior year, I think back on the first term and I consider my seriousness and my love for the art of theatre. I'm pleased to say that, for the most part, my determination remains as strong as ever.

Even after I've learned about the difficulties and the heartbreak that go with working as an actor, I know that it is still the right path for me. Something Professor Kelly said in that first acting class has stuck with me through these last three years. He said, " Every actor chooses to act for their own reasons — personally I do it because I have to. I have to perform. It's who l am." For as long as I've been performing, I've wondered how to best describe why I do what I do. Professor Kelly answered that question for me that day.



