

作者: 嬉节 | 来源:发表于2020-05-29 08:00 被阅读0次

    1. SmartBrief on Leadership

    🧡 Original printing of national anthem goes up for auction

    anthem: n. hahahha, 国歌

    2. Smart Brief on Data security

    🧡 Health care sector needs to bolster cybersecurity

    bolster: v. support or strengthen; prop up.

    🧡 Old data breaches lead to new benefits scam

    breach:---> review 20200515

    another title again, high-frequency words: Wishbone app breached; 40M users's data leaked

    scam: n. a dishonest scheme; a fraud.  诈骗

    🧡 Bezos pledges up to $250M to all in washington

    pledge: ---> v. review 20200523

    3. WSWA SmartBrief

    🧡 Lockdown, drought push S.Africa wineries to the brink

    brink: an extreme edge of land before a steep or vertical slope.

    extension: edge, rim, fringe, periphery, brim, margin

    🧡 Fine wine values nudge up amid pandemic

    nudge: v. prod [戳,或者用指尖点一下] (someone) gently, typically with one's elbow, in order to draw their attention to something. 

    轻推, 指前进了一点点



