

作者: 鸟的计划 | 来源:发表于2018-10-29 23:54 被阅读0次


    受访者站在当时枪手在犹太人tree of life集会上开枪的地方

    Gene J Puskar  美联社

    Abby Vesoulis写于



    Gab,总部设立在费拉德尔菲亚,当初作为“言论自由”版本的推特建立。但是被打上了充斥种族主义,仇恨的烙印,尤其是在白人至上主义者Richard Spencer开始使用它以后。这个网站聚集了大约四十八万的使用者,相比较七月的报告,推特有超过三亿的月活跃人数。



    Sanduja, Gab的首席执行官年初告诉VICE记者,”很多政治言论被标榜为仇恨演讲然后被抹去。“






    一个Gab账号登记为Robert Bowers—和制造周六犹太人集会枪击案的嫌疑人同名,曾发表过数个反犹太人帖子。








                              Gab.com🍂(@getongab)2018 10.27


    过去,Gab声称它反复地被苹果应用商店和Google Play阻止上架。事实上,这个网站曾因被Google拒绝列出它而起诉Google。

    “苹果正要求Gab审查‘令人反感的内容’,却允许同样的内容存在于更大体量,更主流的社交频道上,”Gab CEO安德鲁·托尔巴在2017年告诉INC记者。“我们的app用着比其他社交软件更高要求的审查标准。”



    How Gab Became the Social Media Site Where the Pittsburgh Suspect's Alleged Anti-Semitism Thrived

    First responders surround the Tree of Life Synagogue where a shooter opened fire.

    Gene J Puskar—AP/REX/Shutterstock

    By Abby


    October 27, 2018

    The mass shooting during services at a Pittsburgh synagogue Saturday is shining a spotlight on the social media platform Gab after the company admitted the alleged gunman may have used it to post hateful anti-Semitic and anti-immigrant screeds.

    Gab, which is headquartered in

    Philadelphia, was founded as a “free speech” alternative to Twitter, but has

    been branded by some as an echo-chamber for racism and hate, especially after

    white supremacists like Richard Spencer began using it. The site had amassed

    about 480,000 users, Wired reported in July. In comparison, Twitter

    has over 300 million active users on a monthly basis.

    While social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter have been proactive in policing racist and anti-Semitic posts, Gab takes a more passive approach.

    “We’re very worried about people’s rights,” Utsav Sanduja, Gab’s then-Chief Operating Officer, told Vice earlier this year. “A lot of political

    speech is being labelled as hate speech and is simply being wiped off the map.”

    The former employee told TIME he thought it was important for sites like Gab to exist.

    “Frankly, I would rather have that sort of content above

    ground as opposed to being underground,” Sanduja said. “When you censor people and deprive their rights to speak freely,

    unfortunately, some of them go criminal, and they go underground.”

    That commitment to unfettered free speech has made it popular with many fringe right-wing groups, include the so-called alt-right.

    The Anti-Defamation League, an

    organization devoted to fighting anti-Semitism, named Gab in a recent report on anti-Semitism in social media in the run-up to the 2018 midterms.

    “A staggering expansion of online harassment coincided

    with, and arguably fomented, the increase in online anti-Semitism,” it reads. “Fringe Internet communities,

    such as 4chan, 8chan, and Gab allowed for the propagation of such ideas, which

    quickly spread to Twitter, Reddit, and other mainstream online communities.”

    A Gab account registered to Robert Bowers – the same name as the

    suspected gunman in Saturday’s shooting at Tree of Life

    Congregation –posted and reposted several anti-Semitic statements.

    Hours before the shooting, in which 11

    people were killed and six wounded, one post said, “HIAS likes to bring

    invaders in that kill our people. I can’t sit by and

    watch my people get slaughtered. Screw your optics, I’m

    going in.”HIAS, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, is a nonprofit that seeks to assist refugees.

    In a statement sent to TIME, Gab said it suspended

    the account under Bowers’name and referred it to federal authorities.

    “Shortly after the attack, Gab was alerted to a user

    profile of the alleged Tree of Life Synagogue shooter. The account was verified

    and matched the name of the alleged shooter’s name,

    which was mentioned on police scanners. This person also had accounts on other

    social networks,”Gab said.

    The statement also said that the site rejects acts of violence.

    “Gab unequivocally disavows and condemns all acts of

    terrorism and violence. This has always been our policy,”the network said.

    Meanwhile, Gab’s Twitter account is boasting about the traffic it received Saturday as news of the shooting spread.

    We have been getting1 million hits an hour all day.

    — Gab.com🍂 (@getongab) October 27, 2018

    “We have been getting 1 million hits an hour all day,” one tweet read.

    This is not the first time Gab has been in the news.

    In the past, Gab has claimed it was

    repeatedly blocked from promoting its app on the Apple and Google Play app

    stores. In fact, the site sued Google for refusing to list it.

    “Apple is asking Gab to censor ‘objectionable

    content’ while allowing this same content to exist in

    much higher volumes on every major social channel,” Gab

    CEO Andrew Torba told Inc. in 2017. “Our app is being held to

    a much higher level of scrutiny than other social-networking apps.”

    Additionally, after the shooting, PayPal banned Gab from its payment platform. A PayPal spokesperson confirmed the ban to the Verge,citing a policy that forbids hate and intolerance.“The

    company is diligent in performing reviews and taking account actions. When a

    site is explicitly allowing the perpetuation of hate, violence or

    discriminatory intolerance, we take immediate and decisive action,” the Verge reports PayPal said.



