

作者: 肖四 | 来源:发表于2019-07-25 21:48 被阅读0次
// The methods AllowN, ReserveN, and WaitN consume n tokens.
type Limiter struct {
    limit Limit
    burst int

    mu     sync.Mutex
    tokens float64
    // last is the last time the limiter's tokens field was updated
    last time.Time
    // lastEvent is the latest time of a rate-limited event (past or future)
    lastEvent time.Time

// Limit returns the maximum overall event rate.
func (lim *Limiter) Limit() Limit {
    defer lim.mu.Unlock()
    return lim.limit

// Burst returns the maximum burst size. Burst is the maximum number of tokens
// that can be consumed in a single call to Allow, Reserve, or Wait, so higher
// Burst values allow more events to happen at once.
// A zero Burst allows no events, unless limit == Inf.
func (lim *Limiter) Burst() int {
    return lim.burst

// NewLimiter returns a new Limiter that allows events up to rate r and permits
// bursts of at most b tokens.
func NewLimiter(r Limit, b int) *Limiter {
    return &Limiter{
        limit: r,
        burst: b,

// Allow is shorthand for AllowN(time.Now(), 1).
func (lim *Limiter) Allow() bool {
    return lim.AllowN(time.Now(), 1)

// AllowN reports whether n events may happen at time now.
// Use this method if you intend to drop / skip events that exceed the rate limit.
// Otherwise use Reserve or Wait.
func (lim *Limiter) AllowN(now time.Time, n int) bool {
    return lim.reserveN(now, n, 0).ok

// Wait is shorthand for WaitN(ctx, 1).
func (lim *Limiter) Wait(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
    return lim.WaitN(ctx, 1)

// WaitN blocks until lim permits n events to happen.
// It returns an error if n exceeds the Limiter's burst size, the Context is
// canceled, or the expected wait time exceeds the Context's Deadline.
// The burst limit is ignored if the rate limit is Inf.
func (lim *Limiter) WaitN(ctx context.Context, n int) (err error) {
    if n > lim.burst && lim.limit != Inf {
        return fmt.Errorf("rate: Wait(n=%d) exceeds limiter's burst %d", n, lim.burst)
    // Check if ctx is already cancelled
    select {
    case <-ctx.Done():
        return ctx.Err()
    // Determine wait limit
    now := time.Now()
    waitLimit := InfDuration
    if deadline, ok := ctx.Deadline(); ok {
        waitLimit = deadline.Sub(now)
    // Reserve
    r := lim.reserveN(now, n, waitLimit)
    if !r.ok {
        return fmt.Errorf("rate: Wait(n=%d) would exceed context deadline", n)
    // Wait if necessary
    delay := r.DelayFrom(now)
    if delay == 0 {
        return nil
    t := time.NewTimer(delay)
    defer t.Stop()
    select {
    case <-t.C:
        // We can proceed.
        return nil
    case <-ctx.Done():
        // Context was canceled before we could proceed.  Cancel the
        // reservation, which may permit other events to proceed sooner.
        return ctx.Err()

// Reserve is shorthand for ReserveN(time.Now(), 1).
func (lim *Limiter) Reserve() *Reservation {
    return lim.ReserveN(time.Now(), 1)

// reserveN is a helper method for AllowN, ReserveN, and WaitN.
// maxFutureReserve specifies the maximum reservation wait duration allowed.
// reserveN returns Reservation, not *Reservation, to avoid allocation in AllowN and WaitN.
func (lim *Limiter) reserveN(now time.Time, n int, maxFutureReserve time.Duration) Reservation {

    if lim.limit == Inf {
        return Reservation{
            ok:        true,
            lim:       lim,
            tokens:    n,
            timeToAct: now,

    now, last, tokens := lim.advance(now)

    // Calculate the remaining number of tokens resulting from the request.
    tokens -= float64(n)

    // Calculate the wait duration
    var waitDuration time.Duration
    if tokens < 0 {
        waitDuration = lim.limit.durationFromTokens(-tokens)

    // Decide result
    ok := n <= lim.burst && waitDuration <= maxFutureReserve

    // Prepare reservation
    r := Reservation{
        ok:    ok,
        lim:   lim,
        limit: lim.limit,
    if ok {
        r.tokens = n
        r.timeToAct = now.Add(waitDuration)

    // Update state
    if ok {
        lim.last = now
        lim.tokens = tokens
        lim.lastEvent = r.timeToAct
    } else {
        lim.last = last

    return r

package main
import (
func main() {
    l := rate.NewLimiter(2, 5)
    ctx := context.Background()
    start := time.Now()
    // 要处理二十个事件
    for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
        // dosomething


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