L9 U6 社交场合

L9 U6 社交场合

作者: AsaGuo | 来源:发表于2019-06-23 17:53 被阅读0次

    Module 1. 变得熟悉

    1. 问候人


    • Long time no see! 好久不见!
    • I haven't seen you in ages. 我很长时间没有看到你了。
    • It's been too long. 太长了。
    • Great to see you again! 再见到你太好了!
    • I'm so happy you're here. 你在这我太高兴了。


    • How was your flight? 你的航班怎么样?

    • Thanks for coming such a long way. 感谢你大老远过来。

    • How's your family doing? 你的家人好吗?

    • How's that project you were working on? 你正做的项目怎么样?

    • How was your flight? 你的航班怎么样?

    • Long time no see! 好久不见!

    • How's that project you were working on? 你正做的项目怎么样?

    • Thanks for coming such a long way. 感谢你大老远过来。

    • Great to see you again! 再见到你太好了!

    • It's been too long. 太长了。

    • I haven't seen you in ages. 我很长时间没有看到你了。

    2. 介绍人


    • There are some people I'd like you to meet. 有些人我想让你见见。
    • Have you met Sara before? 你以前见过萨拉吗?


    • A: Have you met Sara before? 你以前见过萨拉吗?
    • B: No, I don't think so. 不我并不这样认为。
    • A: You'll like her. You're both into art. 你会喜欢她的。你们两个都十分喜欢艺术。
    • A: Hey, there's someone I'd like you to meet. 嘿,有一个人我想让你见见。
    • B: Oh, really? I'm not sure I ... 哦,真的吗?我不知道我...
    • A: Don't worry. She's also a lawyer, so you have something in common. 不要担心。她也是一名律师,所以你们有共同点。

    3. 工作关系


    • He visits the office about twice a year. 他每年来两次办公室。
    • She works for Opus, out of Dubai. 她为在迪拜的 Opus 工作。


    • We've worked together since 2001. 从2001年开始我们一起工作。
    • They've been working on a project in Japan. 他们一直在日本做一个项目。


    • We first met back in college, 20 years ago. 我们第一次见面是在大学,20年前。
    • We used to work together at Upslot. 我们曾经在 Upslot 一起工作。
    • Have you met Sara before? 你见过萨拉吗?
    • You'll like her. You're both into art. 你会喜欢她的。你们两个都对艺术着迷。
    • She works for Opus, out of Dubai. 她为在迪拜的 Opus 工作。
    • We've known each other for ten years. 我们已经认识十年了。
    • She's been working on a project in Japan. 她一直在日本做一个项目。
    • We first met back in college, twenty years ago. 我们第一次见面是在大学,二十年前。
    • We used to work together at Upslot. 我们曾经在 Upslot 一起工作。

    Module 2. 管理对话

    1. 改变主题


    • A: They do the best pizzas, and it's so cheap. 他们做的比萨饼最好,而且很便宜。
    • B: Really? 真的吗?
    • A: You should see my new T-shirt. It's really cool. 你应该看看我的新T恤。它真的很酷。
    • B: Mm-hmm? 嗯-嗯?


    • A: They do the best pizzas, and it's so cheap. 他们做的比萨饼最好,而且很便宜。
    • B: Really? Speaking of which, are you hungry? Let's get dinner. 真的吗?说到这,你饿了吗?让我们吃晚饭吧。
    • A: You should see my new T-shirt. It's really cool. 你应该看看我的新T恤。它真的很酷。
    • B: Mm-hmm? Oh, that reminds me. Do you want to go shopping tomorrow? 嗯-嗯?噢,那提醒我了。明天想去逛街吗?


    • A: So their new product comes out next week. 那么他们的新产品下周会出来。
    • B: Uh-huh? Interesting. Anyway, what other business do we have? 哟呵?有趣。总之,我们有什么其他的业务吗?
    • A: And I told her she shouldn't talk like that to a colleague. 而且我告诉她,她不应该这样和同事说话。
    • B: Right. Sure. So, what are we going to do? 对。当然。那么,我们将要做些什么?
    • A: I am so tired. 我太累了。
    • B: Mmm. Me too. And on that note, I think we're going to leave. 嗯。 我也是。说到这,我想我们要走了。
    • Interesting. So, are we getting dinner soon? 有意思。那么,我们很快去吃晚饭吗?
    • Party? Speaking of which, I need to buy a cake. 派对?说到这,我需要买个蛋糕。
    • Right. Anyway, what other business is there? 对的。总之,有什么别的业务?
    • Sure. On that note, I think we're leaving. 好的。说到这,我想我们要走了。
    • Uh-huh? That reminds me: I have to go shopping. 哟呵?那倒提醒我了:我得去逛街了。

    2. 将别人融入进来


    • Right. So, did anyone else see 'Raging Water' last night? 好的。那么,昨晚还有人看‘愤怒的水’吗?
    • Harry, haven't you got a pet at home? 哈利,你家不是有个宠物吗?


    • A: Sure, that's nice. Anyway, Janine, how was Bali? 当然,那很好。总之,珍妮,巴厘岛怎么样?
    • B: It was fantastic. Great weather, friendly people! 非常棒。天气好,人友好!
    • A: Uh-huh? So, Paul, what was the Italian restaurant like? 哟呵?那么,保罗,意大利餐厅是什么样的?
    • B: It wasn't that good. The fish wasn't fresh. Service was bad. 并不是那么好。鱼不新鲜。服务糟糕。
    • Janine, how was your trip to Bali? 珍妮,巴厘岛之行怎么样?
    • Paul, you went to France last year, didn't you? 保罗,去年你去法国了,不是吗?
    • Harry, what was the new restaurant like? 哈利,新餐馆怎么样?
    • Has anyone else got something to add? 还有人有什么要加的吗?
    • On that note, what does everyone want for lunch? 关于这一点,大家午饭都想要吃什么?
    • So, did anyone else see 'Raging Water' last night? 那么,昨晚有没有别人看‘愤怒的水’?

    Module 3. 给予和接受道歉

    1. 道歉


    • I'm sorry I knocked over your coffee. 对不起我打翻了你的咖啡。
    • My mistake. Sorry about that. 我的错。 很抱歉。
    • I'm really sorry if I've offended you. 如果我冒犯了你我真的很抱歉。


    • Please accept my apologies. 请接受我的道歉。
    • It won't happen again. 不会再发生了。
    • I feel terrible. 我感觉非常糟糕。
    • I didn't mean to hurt you. 我不是故意要伤害你。


    • Is there anything I can do? 有什么我可以做的吗?
    • At least let me clean up some of this mess. 至少让我把这个烂摊子清理一些。
    • Please accept my apologies. 请接受我的道歉。
    • My mistake. Sorry about that. 我的错。 很抱歉。
    • At least let me clean up some of this mess. 至少让我把这个烂摊子清理一些。
    • I'm really sorry if I've offended you. 如果我冒犯了你我真的很抱歉。
    • I feel terrible. 我感觉非常糟糕。
    • It won't happen again. 不会再发生了。
    • I'm sorry I knocked over your coffee. 对不起我打翻了你的咖啡。

    2. 接受道歉


    • It's nothing, really. 真的没什么。
    • Really, it's not a problem. 真的,没事。
    • It's not your fault. 那不是你的错。
    • No harm done. 没有什么伤害。


    • Forget about it. 忘了吧。
    • Now, where were we? 现在,我们刚说到哪儿了?


    • You're sure it's okay? 你确定没事吗?
    • My mistake. Sorry about that. 我的错误。对不起。
    • It's nothing, really. No harm done. 这没什么,真的。没有什么伤害。
    • It won't happen again. 这不会再发生了。
    • Really, it's not a problem. It's not your fault. 真的,这不是问题。这不是你的错。
    • Forget about it. Let's get on with it. 忘记它。让我们翻过这一页吧。
    • You're sure it's OK? 你确定没事吗?

    3. 在社交场合道歉

    • I'm really sorry, but … 我很抱歉,但是…
    • I completely understand. 我完全理解。
    • Really, it's fine. 真的,没事。
    • Angela wanted me to apologize for her. 安吉拉要我代她致歉。
    • You're going to kill me. 你会杀了我的。
    • I was drinking some red grape juice. 我当时正在喝红葡萄汁。
    • I can't tell you how sorry I am. 我说不出我有多么抱歉。
    • I'm so embarrassed. 我觉得太难为情了。
    • It's going to be okay. 没事的。
    • Don't worry. It's fine. 别担心。没事。

    如果你在派对上洒落了东西或损坏了某物,应该向主人道歉。首先, 告知主人某事已发生,使他们做好准备:

    • Rick, there's something I need to tell you. 瑞克,我得告诉你一件事。


    • You're going to kill me. 你会杀了我的。


    • Is something wrong? 怎么了?


    • What have you done this time? 这次你又干了什么?


    • I was putting down my glass, and I chipped it. 我正要放下杯子,结果把它摔碎了。
    • I was eating an appetizer on the couch, and someone hit my arm. I spilled everything. 我正在沙发上吃开胃菜,有人撞到了我的手臂。我把东西都洒出来了。


    • I can't tell you how sorry I am. 我说不出我有多么抱歉。
    • I'm terribly sorry. Please forgive me. 非常抱歉。请原谅我吧。
    • I'm so embarrassed. Please accept my apology. 我觉得太难为情了。请接受我的歉意。


    • A: Is there anything I can do? 有什么我能做的吗?
    • B: Oh, no. Don't worry. It's not a big deal. 不,别担心。没什么大不了的。
    • A: Please let me help pay for that. 我赔一点钱吧。
    • B: Absolutely not. It's nothing. 绝对不行。没什么。
    • There's something I need to tell you. 有件事我得告诉你。
    • What is it? Is something wrong? 什么事?怎么了?
    • I spilled water all over the couch. 我把水洒到沙发上到处都是。
    • Is there anything I can do? 我能做些什么吗?
    • Don't worry. I'll clean it up. 不要担心,我会清理的。
    • I can't tell you how sorry I am. 我真的觉得非常抱歉。
    • I'm terribly sorry. 我感到非常抱歉。

    Module 4. 离开和告别

    1. 暗示

    Hinting(暗示)使用间接的方式来表达你的意思。例如,请注意,这里说话人没直接说:You should leave now。

    • Gosh, is that the time? It's getting late. 天哪,都这个时候了吗? 天已经晚了。


    • A: It's a bit cold in here. 这有点冷。
    • B: Oh, do you want me to turn on the heating? 哦,你希望我把暖气打开吗?
    • A: Would you mind? 你介意不?
    • A: How are you getting home? 你怎么回家呢?
    • B: Uh, I'm gonna drive. 噢,我要开车回去。
    • A: Really? I live on Elm Avenue. Is that near you? 真的吗?我住在榆树大街。那离你家近吗?
    • Gosh, is that the time? It's getting late. 天哪,都这个时候了吗? 天已经晚了。
    • It's a bit cold in here. 这有点冷。
    • How are you getting home? 你怎么回家呢?

    2. 当某人离开时


    • It was great seeing you again. 再次看见你真是太好了。
    • Thanks for coming. 谢谢你能来。
    • Have a good journey. 祝旅途愉快。
    • Have a safe flight. 祝飞行一路平安。
    • Let me know you got back safely. 安全到家后告诉我一声。
    • Say hi to your family for me. 替我向你的家人问好。
    • Tell your dad I said hello. 告诉你爸爸我给他问好。
    • It was great seeing you again. 再次见到你真是太好了。
    • Thanks for coming. 感谢到来。
    • Have a good journey. 祝旅途愉快。
    • Have a safe flight. 祝飞行平安。
    • Let me know you got back safely. 安全到家后告诉我一声。
    • Say hi to your family for me. 替我向你的家人问好。
    • Tell your dad I said hello. 告诉你爸爸我给他问好。

    3. 制定计划


    • Let's not leave it so long next time. 让我们下次不要等这么长时间再聚。
    • See you this weekend for tennis? 这个周末我们打网球时见?
    • Give me a call next time you're in town. 下次你来这里给我电话啊。
    • We should have lunch next week. 我们下周应该一起吃午饭。
    • I'll drop by your office for a chat. 我会到你办公室聊一聊。
    • Let's do this again sometime. 让我们有时间再做一次。
    • We should have lunch next week. 我们下周应该一起吃午饭。
    • I'll drop by your office for a chat. 我会到你办公室聊一聊。
    • Let's do this again sometime. 让我们有时间再做一次。
    • Let's not leave it so long next time. 让我们下次不要等这么长时间再聚。
    • See you this weekend for tennis? 这个周末我们打网球时见?
    • Give me a call next time you're in town. 下次你来这里给我电话啊。



        本文标题:L9 U6 社交场合
