1 DiffUtil
public class DiffCallBack extends DiffUtil.Callback {
private List<TestBean> mOldDatas, mNewDatas;//看名字
public DiffCallBack(List<TestBean> mOldDatas, List<TestBean> mNewDatas) {
this.mOldDatas = mOldDatas;
this.mNewDatas = mNewDatas;
public int getOldListSize() {
return mOldDatas != null ? mOldDatas.size() : 0;
public int getNewListSize() {
return mNewDatas != null ? mNewDatas.size() : 0;
* Called by the DiffUtil to decide whether two object represent the same Item.
* 被DiffUtil调用,用来判断 两个对象是否是相同的Item。
* For example, if your items have unique ids, this method should check their id equality.
* 例如,如果你的Item有唯一的id字段,这个方法就 判断id是否相等。
* 本例判断name字段是否一致
* @param oldItemPosition The position of the item in the old list
* @param newItemPosition The position of the item in the new list
* @return True if the two items represent the same object or false if they are different.
public boolean areItemsTheSame(int oldItemPosition, int newItemPosition) {
return mOldDatas.get(oldItemPosition).getName().equals(mNewDatas.get(newItemPosition).getName());
* Called by the DiffUtil when it wants to check whether two items have the same data.
* 被DiffUtil调用,用来检查 两个item是否含有相同的数据
* DiffUtil uses this information to detect if the contents of an item has changed.
* DiffUtil用返回的信息(true false)来检测当前item的内容是否发生了变化
* DiffUtil uses this method to check equality instead of {@link Object#equals(Object)}
* DiffUtil 用这个方法替代equals方法去检查是否相等。
* so that you can change its behavior depending on your UI.
* 所以你可以根据你的UI去改变它的返回值
* For example, if you are using DiffUtil with a
* {@link android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView.Adapter RecyclerView.Adapter}, you should
* return whether the items' visual representations are the same.
* 例如,如果你用RecyclerView.Adapter 配合DiffUtil使用,你需要返回Item的视觉表现是否相同。
* This method is called only if {@link #areItemsTheSame(int, int)} returns
* {@code true} for these items.
* 这个方法仅仅在areItemsTheSame()返回true时,才调用。
* @param oldItemPosition The position of the item in the old list
* @param newItemPosition The position of the item in the new list which replaces the
* oldItem
* @return True if the contents of the items are the same or false if they are different.
public boolean areContentsTheSame(int oldItemPosition, int newItemPosition) {
TestBean beanOld = mOldDatas.get(oldItemPosition);
TestBean beanNew = mNewDatas.get(newItemPosition);
if (!beanOld.getDesc().equals(beanNew.getDesc())) {
return false;//如果有内容不同,就返回false
if (beanOld.getPic() != beanNew.getPic()) {
return false;//如果有内容不同,就返回false
return true; //默认两个data内容是相同的
//利用DiffUtil.calculateDiff()方法,传入一个规则DiffUtil.Callback对象,和是否检测移动item的 boolean变量,得到DiffUtil.DiffResult 的对象
DiffUtil.DiffResult diffResult = DiffUtil.calculateDiff(new DiffCallBack(mDatas, newDatas), true);
mDatas = newDatas;
2 AsyncListDiffer
public class UserAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<UserAdapter.UserViewHodler> {
private AsyncListDiffer<User> mDiffer;
private DiffUtil.ItemCallback<User> diffCallback = new DiffUtil.ItemCallback<User>() {
public boolean areItemsTheSame(User oldItem, User newItem) {
return TextUtils.equals(oldItem.getId(), newItem.getId());
public boolean areContentsTheSame(User oldItem, User newItem) {
return oldItem.getAge() == newItem.getAge();
public UserAdapter() {
mDiffer = new AsyncListDiffer<>(this, diffCallback);
public int getItemCount() {
return mDiffer.getCurrentList().size();
public void submitList(List<User> data) {
public User getItem(int position) {
return mDiffer.getCurrentList().get(position);
public UserAdapter.UserViewHodler onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
View itemView = LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(R.layout.item_user_list, parent, false);
return new UserViewHodler(itemView);
public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull UserAdapter.UserViewHodler holder, int position) {
class UserViewHodler extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
private TextView tvName;
private TextView tvAge;
public UserViewHodler(View itemView) {
tvName = itemView.findViewById(R.id.tv_name);
tvAge = itemView.findViewById(R.id.tv_age);
public void setData(User data) {