随着它的刷屏走红,各种标签“2018年的脸萌”,“现代版QQ秀”也随之而来,微博上也出现了 #玩zepeto停不下来# 的热门话题。
3D avatar app Zepeto surges to most downloaded in China as millennials seek out new ways to interact
Zepeto, a social networking app that allows you to build a 3D avatar, has become the latest overnight sensation in China, rising from relative obscurity to the most-downloaded app in mobile stores as the country’s millennials continue to explore new forms of online communication.
表示“(某些网上聊天室或网上游戏中代表个人的)头像,虚拟替身,图标”,英文解释为“a picture of a person or animal that represents you on a computer screen, for example in some chat room s or when you are playing games over the Internet”,还可以指“神的化身”,英文解释:a person or animal who is really a god in human or animal form literary.
微信英文版中把头像处理成:Profile Photo,上面的“My Profile”对应的中文则是“个人信息”。
前两天在抖音海外版TikTok为何能取得成功一文中刚出现过“I experienced a bizarre sensation”,“我经历了一种奇怪的感觉”,其中的sensation:
1)表示“(感官的)感觉;(尤指)触觉”,英文解释为“a feeling that you get from one of your five senses, especially the sense of touch”,如:a sensation of heat 一种灼热感
2)表示“(由某一事件、经历或记忆引起的难以描述的)感受,感觉”,英文解释为“a feeling that is difficult to describe, caused by a particular event, experience, or memory”,如:strange/curious/odd sensation
而此处的“the latest overnight sensation”中的sensation表示“轰动,激动;引起轰动的人或事”,英文解释为“extreme excitement or interest, or someone or something that causes this”,如:cause/create a sensation 造成轰动/引起轰动,the latest pop sensation from England 来自英格兰的引起轰动的最新流行歌曲。
表示“无名,默默无闻,鲜为人知”,英文解释为“the state of not being known or remembered”,
用法:fade/slide/sink into obscurity,举个🌰:
The group produced two albums before disappearing into obscurity.
用法:live/work/remain in obscurity,举个🌰:
He died in obscurity. 他默默无闻地死去。
用法:from obscurity to sth,举个🌰:
She rose from obscurity to stardom.
此外,obscurty还可以指“晦涩,费解的事,难懂性;难懂之物”,英文解释:Obscurity is the quality of being difficult to understand. An obscurity is something that is difficult to understand.
The app, made by South Korean game developer Snow Corp, has been top of the daily download charts on both the Apple and Android app stores in China in the three days since Sunday.
Users log in to the app with their WeChat, Facebook or Twitter account, and can then create a 3D avatar of their own, with the ability to customise facial contours, cosmetics, hair style, outfits and set a virtual home in the background.
表示“轮廓; 轮廓线”,英文解释为“You can refer to the general shape or outline of an object as its contours.”,如:the texture and colour of the skin, the contours of the body 皮肤的肌理和颜色,身体的曲线
表示“化妆品”,英文解释为“substances that you put on your face or body that are intended to improve your appearance”,举个🌰:
We sell a wide range of cosmetics and toiletries at a very reasonable price.
文中是cosmetic复数形式cosmetics,而cosmetic本身也可以作形容词,表示“装饰门面的,虚饰的,表面的 ”,英文解释为“Cosmetic changes, etc. are intended to make you believe that something is better when, really, the problem has not been solved.” 举个🌰:
They were offered a few cosmetic improvements to their working conditions, but nothing of significance.
facial contour 脸部轮廓
hair style 发型
outfits 服饰
Zepeto includes social networking features such as connecting real-world friends, “meeting” strangers from its virtual town, sending self-made emojis and creating photo booth-style virtual snaps. It also supports chat rooms and an easy-to-play mini-game.
表示“小亭,小房间”,英文解释为“a small space like a box that a person can go into”,如:phone booth 电话亭,polling booth 投票亭,photo booth 照相亭。
For those old enough to remember Tencent’s Qzone, once the biggest social platform in China before WeChat came along, the design bears some resemblance. Qzone allowed people to create a 2D character, pay for costumes, leave messages and send virtual gifts to one another.
come along
表示“开始存在;出现;降临”,英文解释为“to start to exist ”,举个🌰:
I gave up climbing when my first child came along.
come along还有其他意思,比如表示“发展;进步”,If something is coming along, it is developing or improving. 举个🌰:
My English is really coming along.
表示“(尤指样子)相似,类似 ”,英文解释为“if there is a resemblance between two people or things, they are similar, especially in the way they look”,用法:bear a (close/striking/uncanny etc) resemblance to sb/sth (= look like) 与某人/某事物(非常/惊人地/不可思议地等)相似;bear little/no resemblance to sb/sth,几乎毫无/没有相似之处,举个🌰:
She bears a striking resemblance to her mother.
Zepeto follows hot on the heels of other hit apps that offer messaging, live-streaming, beautifying and customisation tools as China’s restless youth seek to carve out their own individual identities and personal brands in a society once known for its general conformity. Consumer tastes can be fickle though as youngsters constantly search for what is new and cool.
come/follow hard/hot on the heels of sth
表示“之后紧跟着发生,紧随…而来”,英文解释为“to happen very soon after something”,举个🌰:
For Walter, disaster followed hard on the heels of his initial success.
carve out
表示“靠努力开创出;努力赢得,谋得(尤指职位)”,英文解释为“to successfully create or get something, especially a work position, by working for it”,举个🌰:
He hopes to carve out a niche for himself as a leading researcher in his field of study.
表示“善变的,三心二意的,靠不住的,变化无常的(含贬义)”,英文解释为“someone who is fickle is always changing their mind about people or things that they like, so that you cannot depend on them – used to show disapproval”,如:an unpredictable and fickle lover 一个捉摸不透、三心二意的情人。
consumer taste 消费者爱好/消费者喜好/消费者口味
For example, short video apps – where users film and watch seconds-long video clips – quickly caught the attention of young Chinese netizens and today about three in four internet users in China use short-video apps to entertain themselves, according to a September report from the China Internet Network Information Center, a state agency.
China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC)
中国互联网络信息中心(China Internet Network Information Center,简称CNNIC)于1997年6月3日组建,现为中央网络安全和信息化委员会办公室(国家互联网信息办公室)直属事业单位,行使国家互联网络信息中心职责。
China Internet Network Information Center (abbreviated as CNNIC) is an administration and service organization set up on June 3, 1997 upon the approval of the competent authority and undertakes the responsibilities as the national Internet network information center.
Zepeto’s popularity also comes at a time when a range of start-ups are taking advantage of emerging AI facial recognition applications. China is using the same computer vision technology to catch jaywalkers and allow people to pay for their KFC. Similar technology is also being deployed to help detect cancer and in navigation systems for self-driving vehicles in restricted areas.
表示“(不遵守交通规则)乱穿马路的人”,英文解释为“a reckless pedestrian who crosses a street illegally”,动词jaywalk:to walk across a street at a place where it is not allowed or without taking care to avoid the traffic (不遵守交通规则)乱穿马路。
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