

作者: 小婧视野 | 来源:发表于2021-01-08 21:56 被阅读0次

    How Greenhouse Gases Can Be Used to Store Energy

    作者:Thomas Ruh,Verena Pramhaas,Patrizia Bartl,Christoph Rameshan  译者:小婧视野




    Rising levels of carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere are a problem, because they lead to global warming and changes in climate that are serious threats to the environment we live in. So, getting rid of some of the carbon dioxide would be very important to combat the dangerous effects of global warming. One way to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is to turn it into chemicals like methanol. This transformation not only reduces carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, but also offers a way to store renewable forms of energy like wind or solar energy.”



    二氧化碳(由一个碳原子和两个氧原子组成的分子,CO2是它的化学式)是一种温室气体,这就意味着二氧化碳会导致所谓的“温室效应”。空气中的二氧化碳和其他温室气体会将地球上一部分原本应该散失回太空中的热量截留到大气中,类似于热量被困在温室内或一个带盖的锅中。这些热量截留的效应对于我们地球上所周知的生命活动至关重要——如果没有了这些热量,大气中的平均温度将会是-18 ℃(0℉)



    Carbon dioxide (a molecule made up from one carbon and two oxygen atoms—CO2 in chemists’ notation) is a greenhouse gas, which means it contributes to the so-called greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the air trap some of the heat Earth would lose into space, similar to the way heat is trapped inside a greenhouse, or in a pot with a lid. This trapping of heat is necessary for life as we know it on Earth—without it, the average temperature would be about -18°C (0°F) [1].

    However, CO2 is also the main contributor to human-made climate change and global warming. By burning fossil fuels like oil or natural gas, which were formed over millions of years, we increase the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. Increased atmospheric CO2 leads to more heat being trapped and to increasing temperatures. As a result, the average global temperature has risen almost a whole degree since humans started using fossil fuels on a large scale for power plants, transportation (cars, planes, etc.), heating, and so on. That might not sound like a big temperature rise, but this slight increase has drastic consequences on the sensitive balance of our environment. For instance, rising sea levels due to melting polar ice might affect coastal cities, or higher ocean water temperatures may threaten coral reefs [2].

    Reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is a very important step to combat global warming. One possible way to do this would be to remove CO2 by turning it into useful chemicals that we can safely store and later use as fuels. There is a slight shortcoming of this method, though: while production of these easy-to-store chemicals reduces CO2, burning them later as fuel will re-release the carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. However, there is no “new” CO2 released into the atmosphere. The carbon dioxide is therefore kept in balance as the fuel is recycled, which is still much better than using fossil fuels and adding new CO2 to the atmosphere.






    Every process you can think of needs energy to take place—for example, plants growing, cars being driven, and even you reading this article. However, this energy is not gone after the process finishes! A very important principle of physics states that energy can be neither created nor destroyed, it is only possible to convert (or transform) energy from one form to another. So, another way of thinking about the processes we mentioned would be to see them as energy conversions.For example, a plant uses energy from the sun to grow, and energy is then stored in the newly grown parts of the plant. In a car, gasoline is burned so that the energy from the fuel can be changed into energy of movement (called kinetic energy) and heat. When you move your eyes to read this article, your body turns the energy provided by the food you eat into movement, and your brain also uses energy to process and remember what you read. All processes that happen—both in nature and using machines—are basically the conversion of one form of energy into another form.

    The energy in any process must come from somewhere. Sources of energy include the sun (called solar energy), wind, or water, but also include oil or coal, which are the fossil fuels we still burn on a large scale. Most often, energy from these sources is converted into electricity first, using power plants to convert coal or water, solar cells for sunlight, and wind turbines for wind. The electricity then powers devices like computers and phones, machines in factories, electrically powered cars, and so on. We can also store energy for later use—that is where fuels (sometimes also called energy carriers, because they literally carry energy in them) come in.

    Fuels, in any shape or form, are useful for two main reasons—transport and storage. Figure 1 shows that the potential to harness energy from wind and the sun (meaning to make the energy usable) strongly varies for different regions. For instance, in Africa, the potential to harness solar energy is on average greater than in Europe or in North America. The reverse is true for wind energy—the average wind speed is higher in Europe than in Africa, especially near the coasts. And the higher the wind speed, the more electricity can be generated using wind turbines. A consequence of this unequal distribution of energy sources is that we need ways to transport energy to where it is required. With fuels, we can do exactly that: transport energy to where we need it.

    Figure 1 - The potential for harnessing solar or wind energy varies for different regions in the world.


    On this map, you can see how the average wind speed (blue areas) and the solar potential (red areas) are distributed. You might notice that, surprisingly, the potential for solar energy along the equator is only medium. This is due to clouds that occur in this region of the world (those clouds are also the reason for the large rain forests along the equator). Many areas with very high solar potential are actually deserts1.

    在这张地图中,你可以观察到平均风速(蓝色区域)和利用太 阳能潜力(红色区域)是如何分布的。你可能会注意到,令人惊讶的是,赤道沿线的太阳能利用潜力只有中等级别(medium),这是由于这一地带存在云层(这些云层也是赤道沿线有大面积雨林的原因)。许多太阳能潜力非常大的地区实际上是在沙漠地带。


    Moreover, energy available from the sun and wind does not only depend on where you are, but also on the time—for example, at night we cannot get energy from the sun. Wind speed changes over time as well. During a storm with high wind speeds, for instance, a lot of electricity could be generated—even more than can be used—so sometimes wind turbines must be shut off to prevent damage. If we had a way to store this excess energy, we would not have to shut off wind turbines or worry about solar energy when the sun is not shining. Therefore, methods to convert energy into fuels for later use are very interesting.



    甲醇是一种液体,它属于化学药品大家族的一员,这个大家族被称为“酒精”,简而言之就是由碳原子、氢原子和氧原子以特定方式连接而成。最有名的酒精是乙醇,也就是啤酒或葡萄酒等含有乙醇的酒精饮料。乙醇是如此的闻名遐迩以至于很多人在说酒精时往往指的是乙醇或含有乙醇的饮料。所以,你一定要记住,当一个化学家在谈及酒精时,往往和成年人派对上所说的酒精意思是不完全相同的。(醇和酒精在英语中都为“alcohol” ,译者注)


    Methanolis a liquid belonging to a family of chemicals that are called alcohols, which simply means it is made up from carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms that are connected in a specific way. The most famous alcohol is ethanol, which is the alcohol contained in alcoholic drinks like beer or wine. Ethanol is so well known that many people say “alcohol” when in fact they mean ethanol, or any drink that contains ethanol. So, you must keep in mind that a chemist means something quite different from an adult at a party when talking about alcohols.

    Methanol is the simplest possible alcohol, because it contains only one carbon, one oxygen, and four hydrogen atoms. However, it is still an important chemical. It is used as a raw material to produce a large number of goods we use in our daily lives, like plastics, paints, drugs, fertilizers, and many more [3]. Additionally, methanol can be used to store energy. There are industrial processes that turn methanol into gasoline (similar to the fossil fuel) or into biodiesel, which can then be stored. Methanol itself can be stored as fuel as well. The amount of energy contained in a kilogram of methanol is similar to the amount in a kilogram of wood, as you can see in Figure 2. The figure shows a comparison of the specific energies for different fuels, which means the amount of energy per kilogram material. The higher this value, the more energy the material can store for later use.

    Figure 2 - The specific energy contained in different fuels varies.


    Specific energy is the amount of energy set free when we burn a kilogram of any fuel. The unit of specific energy is joule (J) per kilogram (kg)—the capital M is an abbreviation for “mega,” which means that the number shown here are actually millions. The graph shows a comparison of the specific energies in various fuels. A kilogram of methanol contains slightly more energy than a kilogram of wood.

    热值是指当我们燃烧一公斤某种燃料时所释放的能量。热值的单位是焦耳(J)每公斤(kg)—大写字母M是 "mega(巨大的) "的缩写,意味着这里显示的数字实际上是数百万。该图显示了各种燃料的热值比较。一公斤甲醇所含的能量比一公斤木材的略高。




    If you turn a chemical like carbon dioxide into another chemical, this is called a chemical reaction.When chemical reactions are used to convert energy into fuels, we call these processes chemical energy conversion.There are quite a few different chemical reactions to turn CO2 into methanol. There is a direct way, using only carbon dioxide and hydrogen, and there are other ways with steps in between (Figure 3). All these possibilities seem to be quite easy because there are only very simple chemicals (like hydrogen and water) involved.

    Figure 3 - A two-step process for turning carbon dioxide (CO2 ) into renewable fuel.

    图3—将二氧化碳(CO2 )转化为可再生燃料的两步过程

    First we take CO2 and water (H2O), put in energy, such as wind or solar energy, and transform the ingredients into syngas, which is a mixture of carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H2), using a solid catalyst. Then the syngas is used in a second step to produce renewable fuel like methanol. In this way, we can store the energy we put into the reaction for later use.




    However, there is a problem: carbon dioxide is a very stable gas, which means it does not easily react with other chemicals. That means that we must use a catalystto make CO2 react [4]. A catalyst is a substance that makes a chemical reaction possible that would not happen at all or would only happen very slowly without the catalyst. Finding catalysts that help to produce renewable fuels efficiently and inexpensively is an important field of work for many scientists today.

    In Figure 3, we show the ingredients necessary to turn carbon dioxide into methanol in two steps. First, carbon dioxide and water are combined with a catalyst. Then, energy needs to be added to start the chemical reaction that produces syngas, which is short for synthesis gas, a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen. This mixture can then be used to produce renewable fuel like methanol in a second reaction.




    Turning greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into renewable fuels, such as methanol provides us with a possible way of storing energy. To do this, we can harness renewable energy (for instance, wind or solar energy) where and when it is available. We can use the renewable energy in a chemical reaction to produce methanol, and then we can transport the methanol to where we need it or store it for later. This process also allows us to temporarily lower the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. More importantly, this “recycling” of the carbon dioxide that is already in the atmosphere helps to avoid the release of additional CO2 through the burning of fossil fuels. This might help to reduce global warming and human-made climate change, which are both extremely serious problems of our time.

    Glossary 术语表:

    Greenhouse Gas: ↑ A gas in the atmosphere that traps heat, causing higher temperatures. This effect of greenhouse gases is called the greenhouse effect.


    Human-Made Climate Change: ↑ The change in the Earth’s climate caused by human activities, such as the large-scale usage of fossil fuels.


    Energy Conversion: ↑ The process of turning one form of energy (such as wind energy) into another one (such as electrical energy); also called energy transformation.


    Methanol: ↑ A chemical that consists of one carbon, one oxygen, and four hydrogen atoms. It belongs to a group of chemicals called alcohols, and can be used to store energy or to produce goods of our daily lives.


    Specific Energy: ↑ The amount of energy contained in a kilogram of any fuel. This energy is set free if the fuel is burned.


    Chemical Reaction: ↑ A process in which two (or more) chemicals come together to form new chemicals. For instance, carbon dioxide can react with hydrogen to give methanol and water.


    Chemical Energy Conversion: ↑ The process of turning energy into fuels using chemical reactions. The fuels can then be stored for later used.


    Catalyst: ↑ A substance that makes chemical reactions possible that otherwise would not take place.


    —The End—


    Thomas Ruh住在维也纳,他在那里学习理论化学,主要研究如何利用模拟分析来预测材料的有趣特性。他之所以喜欢上化学,是因为他小时候最喜欢问的问题是 "为什么"。他不仅是理论学家,他还喜欢阅读科幻小说、奇幻小说和漫画,下棋和看电影。他也是一个Pokémon 的忠实粉丝。 Verena Pramhaas是一名物理学家,目前在维也纳理工大学从事物理化学研究。她主要专注于使用和开发基于激光的技术来研究模型催化剂,以及它们与工业中在用的催化剂的比较,这也是她博士论文的主题。在大学之外,她大部分时间都是在阅读、绘画或做手工艺。 Patrizia Bartl曾是一名小学教师,现在是因斯布鲁克小学和初级教育学研究所的教授。在那里,她指导学生如何成为教师。她喜欢教年轻人,因为他们求知欲强,渴求知识。闲暇时,她喜欢和丈夫及三个孩子一起到大自然中去。 Christoph Rameshan是TUWien材料化学研究所的助理教授。他的研究重点是利用模型催化剂理解化学反应,重点是可再生能源。此外,在他的ERC项目中,他试图寻找化学能源转换的新材料。除了和他的团队一起做研究,他还喜欢和他们一起在户外度过美好的时光,比如划桨冲浪。周末的时候,他喜欢和家人一起去山里,徒步旅行,骑雪橇,或者滑雪。



