Stardust --C8(02)

Stardust --C8(02)

作者: 姜小饼 | 来源:发表于2017-05-13 22:17 被阅读12次

    Words and Expressions

    1.in the star's case, to feign eating...

    • for the star, to fake eating

    后文中Madame Semel不知道是真的看不见the star, 还是对the star是feign blindness and deafness

    1. there is no need to belabor your point
    • argue or elaborate (a subject) in excessive detail
    • Don't belabor the point. 别再罗嗦这事儿了

    3.with the effort of keeping them in check
    keep sth in check 阻止;约束;制止

    • A free and open news media often keep corruption in check.

    4.to threaten and to cajole

    • If you cajole someone into doing something, you get them to do it after persuading them for some time. 说服
    • cajole的结果是成功了

    5.or even to heat anything pertaining to her existence

    • If one thing pertains to another, it relates, belongs, or applies to it.
    • pertain to
      • realte, apply to: a book pertaining to grow up
      • belong to: the snowdrop pertaining to Tristran

    6.up to snuff 达到标准
    put into words vi. 用语言表达
    a pack of lies


    1.The sun burnt Tristran’s face to a nut-brown color, and faded his clothes to the hues of rust and of dust.

    2.It filled his head with visions, and filled his heart with awe and delight. The music made him think of spaces without limits, of huge crystalline spheres which revolved with unutterable slowness through the vasty halls of the air. The melody transported him, took him beyond himself.
    这段对音乐的描写让我想起了Sainkho Namtchylak的名曲Old Melodie。 (强烈推荐

    3.And I think I was probably lucky to have met you.


    After several days on the Perdita, Tristran and the star separated from the captain and the crew. They commenced their another adventure on solid ground.
    They had a great many of encounters with dangerous creatures as well as quite a few interesting stories on the way to the Wall.
    Tristran freed a bird which belongs to an old witch, but was misunderstood as a thief by the witch. When Tristran and the star were walking along the forest path, they met the witch again. The witch told Tristran that she was on her way to Wall for the market, and asked Tristran if he would be willing to work for her as a market-lad. Tristran refused, frankly. But Tristran wanted to hitchhike to Wall for the star was painful. And Tristran used the snowdrop, which as a gift from his father, to made a bargain with the witch for their passage. But Surprisingly, the witch turned Tristran into a mouse and turned a blind eye to the star. It seemed that the witch incapable of perceiving her presence, which confirmed by the star, during the rest of their way to Wall.


    Tristran和星星女这一路真的是一波三折,现在又掉入了另一个虎口之中,Tristran的身世也在随着snowdrop慢慢浮出水面,感觉他救下的那只鸟就是他的母亲,因为witch骂了它一句:silly slut,同时我猜测witch看不见星星女,是他母亲在暗中帮忙。
    下一章应该要遇到之前的the witch-queen了,感觉他们就像在打怪升级,也不知道这两个witch谁是最后的终极大boss,但是越接近Wall,星星女本有的命运也要揭晓。还有两章,故事收尾,the climax is coming.



          本文标题:Stardust --C8(02)
