Unit1 Part3-Listening:Harry's Tr

Unit1 Part3-Listening:Harry's Tr

作者: 相信如一 | 来源:发表于2020-03-14 21:42 被阅读0次

Harry's next few trips were to different parts of the world.哈里接下来的几次旅行是去世界各地。

(next:[nekst] adj. 紧接着的;接下来的;紧随其后的;eg:The next six months will be the hardest. 接下来的六个月将是最难熬的。

few:(与复数名词和复数动词连用)有些,几个 ;eg:I try to visit my parents every few weeks . 我尽量每隔几个星期看望一次父母。 )

He went to Europe twice, each time to different countries. 他去了欧洲两次,每次都去了不同的国家。

On one trip, he traveled through the UK and France.其中一次旅行中,他游历了英国和法国。

on the next trip, he went to Italy and Greece.另一次旅行,他去了意大利和希腊。

Q: How many time did he go to the Europe? He went to Europe twice.

After Europe, he traveled to Mexico and South  America. 即欧洲旅行后,他又去了墨西哥和南美洲。

In South Aemrica, he went to  Argentina and Brazil. 在南美洲,他去了阿根廷和巴西。

He enjoyed watching some great soccer matches. 他享受了观看了几场精彩足球比赛的乐趣。

Q: What country did he go to South America? In South Aemrica, he went to  Argentina and Brazil.

Then he decided to go back to Asia.然后他确定返回亚洲。

But this time he went to the Southeast Asia.但是这次他去了东南亚地区。

He visited Vietnam, Thailand and Singapore. 他参观了越南、泰国和新加坡

Vietnam:[viˌɛtˈnɑm] 越南;   Thailand:[ˈtaɪlənd] . n. 泰国; Singapore:[ˌsiŋɡəˈpɔː(r)] . n. 新加坡;

Each country had a charm of its own. 每个国家都有自己的魅力。

After all this travel, Harry decided to make travel part of his career. 经历这些旅行,哈里决定将旅行作为他的职业生涯的一部分。

He didn't want to work only in the US. 他不想仅仅在美国工作。

He didn't want to work only with Americans. 他也不想仅仅和美国人一起工作。

He wanted to experience other coutries and other cultures.他想体验其他国家和其他文化。

His dream was to work for an international company. 他的梦想是为一个国际公司工作。

Q: What was his dream? His dream was to work for an international company.

Five years ago, his dream came true. 五年前,他的梦想实现了。

come true:(预言等) 成事实; 实现; eg:You can make that dream come true. 你可以让那个梦想实现。

Now he's working for a German hi-tech company. 现在他在一家德国高科技公司工作。

As part of his job, he has to travel a lot. 作为工作的一部分,他得经常出差。

As a result, he has been to many cities and countries.所以他去过很多城市和国家。

And he has met many interesting people. 并且遇到过很多又去的人。

Q: What has happened that result with his job?He has been to countries and met many interesting people.

Q: Why is he traveling so much? His job requires him to travel a lot.



      本文标题:Unit1 Part3-Listening:Harry's Tr
