1. Feedback, called evaluation, the heart of TMC
2. Opinions that u effected, did well, to improve, specific suggestions
3. Find a balance between suggestions and encouraging
4. Keep in mind u cannot change speaker behavior, it depends on speaker accept or not
1. Read project objectives
2. Read project evaluation guide
3. Talk with speaker for himself goals
4. Previous feedback to avoid duplicating evaluation
1. Get speaker manual for comments
2. Select 2-3 most important points for speaker, also audience
3. Be honest if u didn't like some aspects
4. 2 positives+1 improve/from good to better
5. Be specific suggestions to improve
1. Avoid on behalf, like "we think, audience would have" etc.
2. Avoid impersonal statements, like "they say, people are" etc.
3. Avoid judgement words, like "u did, u were" etc.
4. Avoid words like "never, always" etc.
5. Don't repeat a point like nagging
6. Use words to describe ur own, like "I think, I'm impressed with" etc.
7. Give ur opinion friendly and smiliingly
8. To encourage, motivate, be self-confident
9. Particular parts, u really like, effect u
1. Follow up with speaker for other comments and get feedback
2. Get feedback from the audience