

作者: 英俊叔叔 | 来源:发表于2021-02-20 20:48 被阅读0次

Part I Vocabulary (1×20=20 points)

1. Can’t you keep your dog ________ coming into my yard? It is always disturbing us.

A. off B. into

C. out D. from

2. A good ________ can make a good ending.

A. beginning B. begin

C. origin D. source

3. The key ________ success is hard work and persistence.

A. on B. for

C. to D. of

4. Four people were seriously ________ in an accident on the motorway.

A. injured B. illness

C. hurt D. pain

5. He had to ________ his studies because of lack of money.

A. give away B. give up

C. give off D. give in

6. ________ for a job is a painful experience, but one that nearly everyone must endure at

least once in a lifetime.

A. Finding B. Hunting

C. Regarding D. Reviewing

7. Without proper lessons, you could ________ a lot of bad habits when playing the piano.

A. warm up B. pick up

C. clean up D. catch up

8. I don’t know what his interests are, because we talked ________ about work when we meet.

A. main B. mainly

C. major D. majorly

9. By ________ Mr. Smith is a bus driver.

A. employment B. work

C. business D. occupation

Are you afraid of tests? What will you do to prepare for a test? The following suggestions will be helpful.

Pay attention to what your teacher gives about a coming test. Write down exactly what you will be tested on. Knowing

what the test will cover is half done.

Make a review list that includes important points from class and reading material. Then your studying notes will be in

one place. What’s more, rewriting the material will help you to remember it.

Don’t cram (突击式学习)! Test preparation begins the first day of class, so keep on doing your reading and homework.

Then you just need to review for the test-not learn all the materials. If you wait until the night before to try to learn

everything, you will only put more stress on you.

Get a good night’s sleep before the test, but if you can’t, don’t be awake the whole night. Research shows that getting

at least four hours of sleep produces the better test results.

Eat a healthy breakfast to keep your mind sharp. Avoid sugar, as it will weaken your ability to concentrate.


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