

作者: AmyTrilinguist | 来源:发表于2021-05-09 09:38 被阅读0次


于是了解了一下Troy 这个城市




1 . 有的来自于土著居民,如Chikaming,原义为lake;

2 . 有的来自于重要人名;

3 . 有的则是在英国地名的基础上起的新名字,如New York;

4 . 有的则是受希腊文化影响的产物,如Troy。


There are 25 cities in the United States named Troy, including two in Michigan– the City of Troy and New Troy, which a tiny unincorporated community of 508 residents in Berrien County, Michigan. Locate Troy, New York on that state’s map, and you will also find cities named Albion, Attica, Auburn, Avon, Farmington, Rochester, and Utica. The Erie Canal, which was completed in 1825, linked the Hudson River at Albany with Buffalo on Lake Erie and the Detroit River. Many pioneers from New York migrated to the Michigan Territory using this water route. When they established a new settlement in Michigan they simply named it after their New York hometown.

But why did colonists in New York name their town Troy in the first place? Historical records document that Troy, New York was formally established by an act of the local legislature on March 18, 1791 from a part of the town of Rensselaerswyck. Perhaps those early citizens knew Troy as the mythical setting in Homer’s Iliad. In his epic poem, Homer describes Troy as a ‘well-founded’, ‘strong-built’, and ‘well-walled’ city. It withstood a 10-year siege and was only undermined when Greek invaders hid in a large wooden horse.  Perhaps they envisioned building a great and durable city, not unlike the one in Homer’s classic tale.

In fact, an ancient city in eastern Turkey was found in 1863 by Frank Calvert, an amateur archeologist. The site, three miles east of the Mediterranean coast, is now recognized as the ancient city of Troy. Subsequent excavations by Heinrich Schliemann between 1870 and 1890 and additional archeological studies throughout the 20th century revealed 9 different cities dating as early as 3000- 2550 BCE. At least 46 levels of inhabitation have been uncovered at the site.  Troy VI (1750-1300 BCE) is most likely the city referenced by Homer. Archeologists found remnants of limestone walls in Troy VI that were 16.4 feet thick and up to 26 feet tall.

特洛伊Troy属于纽约州伦斯勒郡(Rensselaer County),为该郡最大城市及郡治,整个郡人口为160,266(2015年)。特洛伊也属于纽约州府都会区(Capital District)的一部分,为该都会区第三大核心城市。而都会区第一大城市为纽约州府奥尔巴尼,第二大城市为通用电气诞生地斯克内克塔迪。都会区人口为1,170,483(2010年)。

特洛伊在传统上被分为9个不同的社区,而广义来说,该市可分为南特洛伊(South Troy),特洛伊中心区(Troy Downtown)和北特洛伊(North Troy)三大部分。市政厅地址为433 River Street, Troy, NY, 12180.

英语系国家第一间理工科学院,新常春藤New Ivies盟校之一的伦斯勒理工学院ensselaer Polytechnic Institute,简称RPI就坐落在特洛伊的山丘上,俯瞰着市中心。而特洛伊市另外两间高等院校为塞奇学院The Sage Colleges及哈德逊河谷社区大学Hudson Valley Community College。



