香港金鐘道88號太古廣場 – 香港港麗酒店
The 14th edition of the Asia Contemporary Art Show will open on March 29th at the Conrad Hong Kong. Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery proudly presents diverse artworks by Xu Chenyang, Wu Yuehua, Liu Jia and Lee Shin, bringing a fascinating art feast for all collectors and art lovers.
Xu Chenyang’s oil paintings pay more attention to the ideology of the content, the texture and implication of the color, aiming to achieve simplicity and intensity, and to convey tranquilityand modesty. Affected by Impressionism and expressionism, Wu Yuehuauses blocks of color to run through the picture and creates a dreamy and dramatic style. Liu Jia’s artworks are elegant and simple, she imitates the ancients in painting and incorporates with contemporary aesthetic ideas, with rich thoughts. Lee Shin showcases the passion of life, not only the uninhibitedness of dancers but also the flow of floating consciousness. Let us gather at Conrad Hong Kong in this Art Month, enjoy the beauty of art and have a great weekend!

徐晨陽,1992 年南京藝術學院油畫專業本科畢業。1994 年獲日本文部省獎學金赴日留學,先後在築波大學、東京藝術大學等日本三所國立大學學習及從事研究,獲藝術學碩士和教育學碩士學位。2009 年于中國藝術研究院研究生院獲油畫創作與理論專業博士學位。現為中國藝術研究院藝術創作院專職畫家。
Xu graduated with bachelor in oil painting from Nanjing University of the Arts in 1992. Heobtained scholarship from the Japanese Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. Since then he studied and researched in 3 different national universities in Japan including University of Tsukuba, and Tokyo University of the Arts as well as obtained both Master of Arts and Education. In 2009, Xu obtained Doctoral degree in oil painting and theory from Chinese National Academy of Arts. He is now also full time artist in the academy.

自 1990 年起多次參加國內外美術大展並獲獎。2004年,獲日本第三十三屆《現在 - 精銳》選拔賽金獎。先後在日本的雁木通美術館、東京銀座一枚的繪畫、玲木畫廊、築波藝術畫廊、各地市立展覽館及中國北京的恭王府、美麗道國際藝術機構、新繹空間等地舉辦個人畫展 22 次。作品被中國、日本、新加坡等地美術館、藝術機構及私人廣泛收藏。
Xu has held 22 solo exhibitions in various galleries in Japan and China since 1990. Such as Prince Gong Mansion, Meilidao International Art Institution, and Ovation Art Space in China. In 2004, he awarded the Gold Reward of the Painting at the Moment – Elite Competition Exhibition. His art works have been collected by art galleries and art institutions from China, Japan and Singapore. Nevertheless, Art of Nature is going to surprise you by presenting you a different look of Xu’s artworks.


Wu was born in San Ming City, Fu Jian Province. He graduated from the Academy of Arts, Fujian Normal University. Currently he is a tutor at the Fine Arts and Design College, Quanzhou Normal University, the member of China Artists Association and Fujian Young Artists Association, a special-term professor at the Fujian Youth Academy of Painting, and the winner of the Young Artists Project by China National Arts Fund. Wu has participated in numerous exhibitions and won lots of awards, including “Heart to Heart”, selected for the 4th National Chinese Painting Exhibition in 2013, “Whispers in the Breeze ”, selected for the 12th National Artworks Exhibition in 2014, “In Spring”, selected for “Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of Hong Kong Handover” National Chinese Painting Artworks Exhibition in 2017, also held his solo exhibition “Pure in Heart” in 2018.

Liu Jia was born in Beijing, currently lives in Hong Kong. The Member of the HongKong Artists Association, 4D Art Club, the contemporary innovative ink painting association, Hong Kong Art of Nature International Female Art Rssearch Society and International Women Artist Associates.
劉佳畫風多變,不拘流派,善工筆花鳥人物,畫作清新淡雅,師法古人而滲揉當代美學意念。近年來多次參與不同展覽,包括2017年深圳香港澳門女書畫家作品聯展,2018年香港Affordable Art Fair及2018年第十三屆亞洲當代藝術展等。
Liu's work is not confined to a particular school or style. She specialises in gongbi figuies, flowers, birds and insects. Inspired by traditional spirit while displaying modern aestheties, her works are refreshing yet lasting. Liu has taken participated in numerous exhibitions including Shenzhen – HongKong – Macau Women Artists Joint Exhibition in 2017, HongKong Affordable Art Fair and Asia Contemporary Art Show in 2018.
李昕,由專業牙醫師轉型的藝術家。弗拉門戈舞對她的創作生涯啟發甚大,畫作展現了女性的狂野激情。她力求將自己的畫作與舞蹈融為一體,討論兩性議題。她的作品忠實呈現她的生命,表達對愛,死,時間和美麗的看法。李昕多次參與在台灣、日本等地的展覽,包括2000年迷火藝術中心常態展出,2013年台華窯瓷器聯展, 2016年“十全十美”十大女藝術家聯合展,2017年威尼斯雙年展、日本福岡藝術博覽會及個展“身體,時光之舞”( 臺北,臺灣)等。
Lee Shin, a dentist-turned artist. Flamenco Dance inspires her a lot, and her artworks present the wild passion of women. Lee combines her paintings with Flamenco, discussing the gender issues. Her paintingshave always been true to her life, and expressing her ideas of love, death, time and beauty. Lee has participated in numerous exhibitions in Taiwan and Japan,including Constant exhibition at MiFuego Art Center in 2000, Joint Exhibition of Ceramics at Tai-Hwa Pottery Showroom in 2013, Joint exhibition of Ten Women Artists in 2016, Fringe Exhibition of Venice Biennale, Fukuoka Art Expo and Solo Exhibition “Torso, a Dance Forged by Time in 2017.