

作者: 丹妮的小猫猫 | 来源:发表于2018-06-13 23:07 被阅读0次

Moon Walk

I can see the moon loomed in a distance, and 5,4,3,2,1, BOOM!!

The spaceship rush in the space. I put my spacesuit on. I took a look to te Earth. It was so beautiful! The Earth is covered with blue and green. 

Now , the moon looks like a runt, but when you get closer and closer, the moon will burn bigger and bigger. Finally, the spaceship land on the moon. The moon is covered with dust and have a lot of rille. The moon don't have a ton of trench. The moon don't have much gravity, so your body is really lite. 

Now, I am jumping on the moon. I picked some stones and dust for studying. I stay on the moon for a few days, and go back to the Earth.


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