The Olympian gods beat the Titans. After the war, Jupiter was quick to punish those who had fought against him. He forced Atlas to hold up the sky on his shoulders.
故事里的另一个神,是大力士Hercules。希腊神话中也很有名,叫Heracles, 赫拉克利斯。他是Jupiter和Io的孩子,其实是半人半神,但天生神力,力大无比。
Many years later, Hercules was born. His father was Jupiter, and his mother was a mortal woman. Hercules was half man, half god and had extraordinary strength.
Juno因为讨厌Hercules的母亲Io, 所以也很讨厌Hercules. 她让国王Eurystheus迫使Hercules完成12项不可能完成的任务。这个故事便单单讲了他的第11个任务,是从秘密花园里偷出金苹果。这个花园有仙女们Hesperides守着,而且谁也不知道这个花园在哪里,即使知道,凡人也无法进入。
“Thank you, Hercules," Prometheus said. Then, as promised, he told Hercules how to find Atlas. Atlas was the father of the nymphs who tended the Garden of the Hesperides. He would help Hercules obtain the golden apples.