

作者: 薇微泛紫 | 来源:发表于2019-03-16 14:21 被阅读0次



Sally Bunkham founded her online retail business nearly two years ago after the birth of her second child.

To begin with, she says, she didn't mind being labelled a mumpreneur. "But as I've gone through my business journey I've realised that it's a bit patronising,"(看不起的) because it implies it's "someone with a little hobby".

She's not alone: A survey of 500 female business founders showed that nearly two thirds of them regarded mumpreneur as a "negative" term.

Well you know how I  wondering the next day?When I seeing them chasing a person like chasing a dream,I always thinking that like give yourself a promise, making it be a reason to urge you to run through you life journey, its a breakthrough.

To begin with, she says, she did’t mind being labeled  a star chasing girl.”But as I’ve gone through my chasing journey I’ve realized that its a bit patronizing.”Because it implies it’s”someone with irrationalness and always is weak at self-control.”

She’s not alone:A survey of 5000 star-chasing fans showed that two thirds of them regarded  “staring chasing“as a negative term.

Actually, a lot of girls like that have amazing business sense, they founded their online retail business nearly 5 years ago after chasing star being popular.

I used to be one of them, but now I am busy dealing with my messy life, finding  job and finishing my paper,.It must be the toughest time through my whole life,I wonder.

Life is so confused.Chaotic LIFE.



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