通过改造源码 Linux解决pdf发票转图片中文乱码

通过改造源码 Linux解决pdf发票转图片中文乱码

作者: 小胖学编程 | 来源:发表于2023-01-12 21:33 被阅读0次



  1. linux中下载对于的字体,但是对于多台服务器的场景或者docker容器的场景需要运维;
  2. 修改源码,默认对齐java包中的字体。




2. 修改源码







3. pdf转图片

    public static BufferedImage transferPdfToImage(File file) throws IOException {
        PDDocument document = PDDocument.load(file);
        PDFRenderer pdfRenderer = new PDFRenderer(document);
        BufferedImage img = pdfRenderer.renderImageWithDPI(0, 110, ImageType.RGB);
        return img;


BufferedImage bufferedImag = transfer2Img(file);
ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ImageIO.write(bufferedImag, PNG, outputStream);


BufferedImage bufferedImag = transfer2Img(file);
Path dist = Paths.get("/Users/xxx/Downloads",  "xxy2.png");
ImageIO.write(bufferedImag, "png", dist.toFile());

4. 附录

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font;

import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.fontbox.FontBoxFont;
import org.apache.fontbox.ttf.OpenTypeFont;
import org.apache.fontbox.ttf.TTFParser;
import org.apache.fontbox.ttf.TrueTypeFont;
import org.apache.fontbox.type1.Type1Font;

 * Font mapper, locates non-embedded fonts via a pluggable FontProvider.
 * @author John Hewson
final class FontMapperImpl implements FontMapper
    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(FontMapperImpl.class);

    private static final FontCache fontCache = new FontCache(); // todo: static cache isn't ideal
    private FontProvider fontProvider;
    private Map<String, FontInfo> fontInfoByName;
    private final TrueTypeFont lastResortFont;

    /** Map of PostScript name substitutes, in priority order. */
    private final Map<String, List<String>> substitutes = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();

        // substitutes for standard 14 fonts
                Arrays.asList("CourierNew", "CourierNewPSMT", "LiberationMono", "NimbusMonL-Regu"));
                Arrays.asList("CourierNewPS-BoldMT", "CourierNew-Bold", "LiberationMono-Bold",
                        "LiberationMono-Italic", "NimbusMonL-ReguObli"));
                        "LiberationMono-BoldItalic", "NimbusMonL-BoldObli"));
                Arrays.asList("ArialMT", "Arial", "LiberationSans", "NimbusSanL-Regu"));
                Arrays.asList("Arial-BoldMT", "Arial-Bold", "LiberationSans-Bold",
                Arrays.asList("Arial-ItalicMT", "Arial-Italic", "Helvetica-Italic",
                        "LiberationSans-Italic", "NimbusSanL-ReguItal"));
                Arrays.asList("Arial-BoldItalicMT", "Helvetica-BoldItalic",
                        "LiberationSans-BoldItalic", "NimbusSanL-BoldItal"));
                Arrays.asList("TimesNewRomanPSMT", "TimesNewRoman", "TimesNewRomanPS",
                        "LiberationSerif", "NimbusRomNo9L-Regu"));
                Arrays.asList("TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT", "TimesNewRomanPS-Bold",
                        "TimesNewRoman-Bold", "LiberationSerif-Bold",
                Arrays.asList("TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT", "TimesNewRomanPS-Italic",
                        "TimesNewRoman-Italic", "LiberationSerif-Italic",
                Arrays.asList("TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT", "TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalic",
                        "TimesNewRoman-BoldItalic", "LiberationSerif-BoldItalic",
        substitutes.put("Symbol", Arrays.asList("Symbol", "SymbolMT", "StandardSymL"));
        substitutes.put("ZapfDingbats", Arrays.asList("ZapfDingbatsITC", "Dingbats", "MS-Gothic"));
        substitutes.put("STSong-Light", Arrays.asList("STSONG-light","DengXian"));//自己加的

        // Acrobat also uses alternative names for Standard 14 fonts, which we map to those above
        // these include names such as "Arial" and "TimesNewRoman"
        for (String baseName : Standard14Fonts.getNames())
            if (!substitutes.containsKey(baseName))
                String mappedName = Standard14Fonts.getMappedFontName(baseName);
                substitutes.put(baseName, copySubstitutes(mappedName));

        // -------------------------

//            String ttfName = "/org/apache/pdfbox/resources/ttf/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf";
            String ttfName = "ttf/STSONG-light.ttf";
            LOG.info("加载自定义字体文件---> "+ttfName);
            InputStream resourceAsStream = FontMapperImpl.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(ttfName);
            InputStream ttfStream =
                    new BufferedInputStream(resourceAsStream);
            TTFParser ttfParser = new TTFParser();
            lastResortFont = ttfParser.parse(ttfStream);
        catch (IOException e)
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    // lazy thread safe singleton
    private static class DefaultFontProvider
        private static final FontProvider INSTANCE = new FileSystemFontProvider(fontCache);

     * Sets the font service provider.
    public synchronized void setProvider(FontProvider fontProvider)
        fontInfoByName = createFontInfoByName(fontProvider.getFontInfo());
        this.fontProvider = fontProvider;

     * Returns the font service provider. Defaults to using FileSystemFontProvider.
    public synchronized FontProvider getProvider()
        if (fontProvider == null)
        return fontProvider;

     * Returns the font cache associated with this FontMapper. This method is needed by
     * FontProvider subclasses.
    public FontCache getFontCache()
        return fontCache;

    private Map<String, FontInfo> createFontInfoByName(List<? extends FontInfo> fontInfoList)
        Map<String, FontInfo> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, FontInfo>();
        for (FontInfo info : fontInfoList)
            for (String name : getPostScriptNames(info.getPostScriptName()))
                map.put(name, info);
        return map;

     * Gets alternative names, as seen in some PDFs, e.g. PDFBOX-142.
    private Set<String> getPostScriptNames(String postScriptName)
        Set<String> names = new HashSet<String>();

        // built-in PostScript name

        // remove hyphens (e.g. Arial-Black -> ArialBlack)
        names.add(postScriptName.replace("-", ""));

        return names;

     * Copies a list of font substitutes, adding the original font at the start of the list.
    private List<String> copySubstitutes(String postScriptName)
        return new ArrayList<String>(substitutes.get(postScriptName));

     * Adds a top-priority substitute for the given font.
     * @param match PostScript name of the font to match
     * @param replace PostScript name of the font to use as a replacement
    public void addSubstitute(String match, String replace)
        if (!substitutes.containsKey(match))
            substitutes.put(match, new ArrayList<String>());

     * Returns the substitutes for a given font.
    private List<String> getSubstitutes(String postScriptName)
        List<String> subs = substitutes.get(postScriptName.replace(" ", ""));
        if (subs != null)
            return subs;
            return Collections.emptyList();

     * Attempts to find a good fallback based on the font descriptor.
    private String getFallbackFontName(PDFontDescriptor fontDescriptor)
        String fontName;
        if (fontDescriptor != null)
            // heuristic detection of bold
            boolean isBold = false;
            String name = fontDescriptor.getFontName();
            if (name != null)
                String lower = fontDescriptor.getFontName().toLowerCase();
                isBold = lower.contains("bold") ||
                        lower.contains("black") ||

            // font descriptor flags should describe the style
            if (fontDescriptor.isFixedPitch())
                fontName = "Courier";
                if (isBold && fontDescriptor.isItalic())
                    fontName += "-BoldOblique";
                else if (isBold)
                    fontName += "-Bold";
                else if (fontDescriptor.isItalic())
                    fontName += "-Oblique";
            else if (fontDescriptor.isSerif())
                fontName = "Times";
                if (isBold && fontDescriptor.isItalic())
                    fontName += "-BoldItalic";
                else if (isBold)
                    fontName += "-Bold";
                else if (fontDescriptor.isItalic())
                    fontName += "-Italic";
                    fontName += "-Roman";
                fontName = "Helvetica";
                if (isBold && fontDescriptor.isItalic())
                    fontName += "-BoldOblique";
                else if (isBold)
                    fontName += "-Bold";
                else if (fontDescriptor.isItalic())
                    fontName += "-Oblique";
            // if there is no FontDescriptor then we just fall back to Times Roman
            fontName = "Times-Roman";
        return fontName;

     * Finds a TrueType font with the given PostScript name, or a suitable substitute, or null.
     * @param fontDescriptor FontDescriptor
    public FontMapping<TrueTypeFont> getTrueTypeFont(String baseFont,
            PDFontDescriptor fontDescriptor)
        TrueTypeFont ttf = (TrueTypeFont)findFont(FontFormat.TTF, baseFont);
        if (ttf != null)
            return new FontMapping<TrueTypeFont>(ttf, false);
            // fallback - todo: i.e. fuzzy match
            String fontName = getFallbackFontName(fontDescriptor);
            ttf = (TrueTypeFont) findFont(FontFormat.TTF, fontName);
            if (ttf == null)
                // we have to return something here as TTFs aren't strictly required on the system
                ttf = lastResortFont;
            return new FontMapping<TrueTypeFont>(ttf, true);

     * Finds a font with the given PostScript name, or a suitable substitute, or null. This allows
     * any font to be substituted with a PFB, TTF or OTF.
     * @param fontDescriptor the FontDescriptor of the font to find
    public FontMapping<FontBoxFont> getFontBoxFont(String baseFont,
            PDFontDescriptor fontDescriptor)
        FontBoxFont font = findFontBoxFont(baseFont);
        if (font != null)
            return new FontMapping<FontBoxFont>(font, false);
            // fallback - todo: i.e. fuzzy match
            String fallbackName = getFallbackFontName(fontDescriptor);
            font = findFontBoxFont(fallbackName);
            if (font == null)
                // we have to return something here as TTFs aren't strictly required on the system
                font = lastResortFont;
            return new FontMapping<FontBoxFont>(font, true);

     * Finds a font with the given PostScript name, or a suitable substitute, or null.
     * @param postScriptName PostScript font name
    private FontBoxFont findFontBoxFont(String postScriptName)
        Type1Font t1 = (Type1Font)findFont(FontFormat.PFB, postScriptName);
        if (t1 != null)
            return t1;

        TrueTypeFont ttf = (TrueTypeFont)findFont(FontFormat.TTF, postScriptName);
        if (ttf != null)
            return ttf;

        OpenTypeFont otf = (OpenTypeFont) findFont(FontFormat.OTF, postScriptName);
        if (otf != null)
            return otf;

        return null;

     * Finds a font with the given PostScript name, or a suitable substitute, or null.
     * @param postScriptName PostScript font name
    private FontBoxFont findFont(FontFormat format, String postScriptName)
        // handle damaged PDFs, see PDFBOX-2884
        if (postScriptName == null)
            return null;

        // make sure the font provider is initialized
        if (fontProvider == null)

        // first try to match the PostScript name
        FontInfo info = getFont(format, postScriptName);
        if (info != null)
            return info.getFont();

        // remove hyphens (e.g. Arial-Black -> ArialBlack)
        info = getFont(format, postScriptName.replace("-", ""));
        if (info != null)
            return info.getFont();

        // then try named substitutes
        for (String substituteName : getSubstitutes(postScriptName))
            info = getFont(format, substituteName);
            if (info != null)
                return info.getFont();

        // then try converting Windows names e.g. (ArialNarrow,Bold) -> (ArialNarrow-Bold)
        info = getFont(format, postScriptName.replace(",", "-"));
        if (info != null)
            return info.getFont();

        // try appending "-Regular", works for Wingdings on windows
        info = getFont(format, postScriptName + "-Regular");
        if (info != null)
            return info.getFont();
        // no matches
        return null;

     * Finds the named font with the given format.
    private FontInfo getFont(FontFormat format, String postScriptName)
        // strip subset tag (happens when we substitute a corrupt embedded font, see PDFBOX-2642)
        if (postScriptName.contains("+"))
            postScriptName = postScriptName.substring(postScriptName.indexOf('+') + 1);

        // look up the PostScript name
        FontInfo info = fontInfoByName.get(postScriptName);
        if (info != null && info.getFormat() == format)
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                LOG.debug(String.format("getFont('%s','%s') returns %s", format, postScriptName, info));
            return info;
        return null;

     * Finds a CFF CID-Keyed font with the given PostScript name, or a suitable substitute, or null.
     * This method can also map CJK fonts via their CIDSystemInfo (ROS).
     * @param fontDescriptor FontDescriptor
     * @param cidSystemInfo the CID system info, e.g. "Adobe-Japan1", if any.
    public CIDFontMapping getCIDFont(String baseFont, PDFontDescriptor fontDescriptor,
            PDCIDSystemInfo cidSystemInfo)
        // try name match or substitute with OTF
        OpenTypeFont otf1 = (OpenTypeFont)findFont(FontFormat.OTF, baseFont);
        if (otf1 != null)
            return new CIDFontMapping(otf1, null, false);

        // try name match or substitute with TTF
        TrueTypeFont ttf = (TrueTypeFont)findFont(FontFormat.TTF, baseFont);
        if (ttf != null)
            return new CIDFontMapping(null, ttf, false);

        if (cidSystemInfo != null)
            // "In Acrobat 3.0.1 and later, Type 0 fonts that use a CMap whose CIDSystemInfo
            // dictionary defines the Adobe-GB1, Adobe-CNS1 Adobe-Japan1, or Adobe-Korea1 character
            // collection can also be substituted." - Adobe Supplement to the ISO 32000

            String collection = cidSystemInfo.getRegistry() + "-" + cidSystemInfo.getOrdering();

            if (collection.equals("Adobe-GB1") || collection.equals("Adobe-CNS1") ||
                    collection.equals("Adobe-Japan1") || collection.equals("Adobe-Korea1"))
                // try automatic substitutes via character collection
                PriorityQueue<FontMatch> queue = getFontMatches(fontDescriptor, cidSystemInfo);
                FontMatch bestMatch = queue.poll();
                if (bestMatch != null)
                    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                        LOG.debug("Best match for '" + baseFont + "': " + bestMatch.info);
                    FontBoxFont font = bestMatch.info.getFont();
                    if (font instanceof OpenTypeFont)
                        return new CIDFontMapping((OpenTypeFont)font, null, true);
                    else if (font != null)
                        return new CIDFontMapping(null, font, true);

        // last-resort fallback
        return new CIDFontMapping(null, lastResortFont, true);

     * Returns a list of matching fonts, scored by suitability. Positive scores indicate matches
     * for certain attributes, while negative scores indicate mismatches. Zero scores are neutral.
     * @param fontDescriptor FontDescriptor, always present.
     * @param cidSystemInfo Font's CIDSystemInfo, may be null.
    private PriorityQueue<FontMatch> getFontMatches(PDFontDescriptor fontDescriptor,
            PDCIDSystemInfo cidSystemInfo)
        PriorityQueue<FontMatch> queue = new PriorityQueue<FontMatch>(20);

        for (FontInfo info : fontInfoByName.values())
            // filter by CIDSystemInfo, if given
            if (cidSystemInfo != null && !isCharSetMatch(cidSystemInfo, info))

            FontMatch match = new FontMatch(info);

            // Panose is the most reliable
            if (fontDescriptor.getPanose() != null && info.getPanose() != null)
                PDPanoseClassification panose = fontDescriptor.getPanose().getPanose();
                if (panose.getFamilyKind() == info.getPanose().getFamilyKind())
                    if (panose.getFamilyKind() == 0 &&
                            (info.getPostScriptName().toLowerCase().contains("barcode") ||
                                    info.getPostScriptName().startsWith("Code")) &&
                        // PDFBOX-4268: ignore barcode font if we aren't searching for one.
                    // serifs
                    if (panose.getSerifStyle() == info.getPanose().getSerifStyle())
                        // exact match
                        match.score += 2;
                    else if (panose.getSerifStyle() >= 2 && panose.getSerifStyle() <= 5 &&
                            info.getPanose().getSerifStyle() >= 2 &&
                            info.getPanose().getSerifStyle() <= 5)
                        // cove (serif)
                        match.score += 1;
                    else if (panose.getSerifStyle() >= 11 && panose.getSerifStyle() <= 13 &&
                            info.getPanose().getSerifStyle() >= 11 &&
                            info.getPanose().getSerifStyle() <= 13)
                        // sans-serif
                        match.score += 1;
                    else if (panose.getSerifStyle() != 0 && info.getPanose().getSerifStyle() != 0)
                        // mismatch
                        match.score -= 1;

                    // weight
                    int weight = info.getPanose().getWeight();
                    int weightClass = info.getWeightClassAsPanose();
                    if (Math.abs(weight - weightClass) > 2)
                        // inconsistent data in system font, usWeightClass wins
                        weight = weightClass;

                    if (panose.getWeight() == weight)
                        // exact match
                        match.score += 2;
                    else if (panose.getWeight() > 1 && weight > 1)
                        float dist = Math.abs(panose.getWeight() - weight);
                        match.score += 1 - dist * 0.5;

                    // todo: italic
                    // ...
            else if (fontDescriptor.getFontWeight() > 0 && info.getWeightClass() > 0)
                // usWeightClass is pretty reliable
                float dist = Math.abs(fontDescriptor.getFontWeight() - info.getWeightClass());
                match.score += 1 - (dist / 100) * 0.5;
            // todo: italic
            // ...

        return queue;

    private boolean probablyBarcodeFont(PDFontDescriptor fontDescriptor)
        String ff = fontDescriptor.getFontFamily();
        if (ff == null)
            ff = "";
        String fn = fontDescriptor.getFontName();
        if (fn == null)
            fn = "";
        return ff.startsWith("Code") || ff.toLowerCase().contains("barcode") ||
                fn.startsWith("Code") || fn.toLowerCase().contains("barcode");

     * Returns true if the character set described by CIDSystemInfo is present in the given font.
     * Only applies to Adobe-GB1, Adobe-CNS1, Adobe-Japan1, Adobe-Korea1, as per the PDF spec.
    private boolean isCharSetMatch(PDCIDSystemInfo cidSystemInfo, FontInfo info)
        if (info.getCIDSystemInfo() != null)
            return info.getCIDSystemInfo().getRegistry().equals(cidSystemInfo.getRegistry()) &&
            long codePageRange = info.getCodePageRange();

            long JIS_JAPAN = 1 << 17;
            long CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED = 1 << 18;
            long KOREAN_WANSUNG = 1 << 19;
            long CHINESE_TRADITIONAL = 1 << 20;
            long KOREAN_JOHAB = 1 << 21;

            if ("MalgunGothic-Semilight".equals(info.getPostScriptName()))
                // PDFBOX-4793 and PDF.js 10699: This font has only Korean, but has bits 17-21 set.
            if (cidSystemInfo.getOrdering().equals("GB1") &&
                    (codePageRange & CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED) == CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED)
                return true;
            else if (cidSystemInfo.getOrdering().equals("CNS1") &&
                    (codePageRange & CHINESE_TRADITIONAL) == CHINESE_TRADITIONAL)
                return true;
            else if (cidSystemInfo.getOrdering().equals("Japan1") &&
                    (codePageRange & JIS_JAPAN) == JIS_JAPAN)
                return true;
                return cidSystemInfo.getOrdering().equals("Korea1") &&
                        ((codePageRange & KOREAN_WANSUNG) == KOREAN_WANSUNG ||
                                (codePageRange & KOREAN_JOHAB) == KOREAN_JOHAB);

     * A potential match for a font substitution.
    private static class FontMatch implements Comparable<FontMatch>
        double score;
        final FontInfo info;

        FontMatch(FontInfo info)
            this.info = info;

        public int compareTo(FontMatch match)
            return Double.compare(match.score, this.score);

     * For debugging. Prints all matches and returns the best match.
    private FontMatch printMatches(PriorityQueue<FontMatch> queue)
        FontMatch bestMatch = queue.peek();
        while (!queue.isEmpty())
            FontMatch match = queue.poll();
            FontInfo info = match.info;
            System.out.println(match.score + " | " + info.getMacStyle() + " " +
                    info.getFamilyClass() + " " + info.getPanose() + " " +
                    info.getCIDSystemInfo() + " " + info.getPostScriptName() + " " +
        return bestMatch;



    本文标题:通过改造源码 Linux解决pdf发票转图片中文乱码
