45: Actions matter

45: Actions matter

作者: 李绅Luis | 来源:发表于2017-07-13 08:49 被阅读0次

Actions matter

Today, my morning reading was an article called Actions, not words, reveal our real values. Here are what I learned from the article:

When I am thinking about what to write about this article. Charlie Munger firstly come to my mind, he said that your ideas were not important, but practicing them was valuable. Yep, this can be a principle for me. I graduated 18 days ago. During these days, finding a job was always in my mind, but I procrastinated a lot. Until 5 days ago, I stepped my first step. Practicing ideas is more valuable than having ideas.

Another example I have is about Apple, Steve Jobs stole the inspiration from PARC, the graphical interface, applied it and built the great computer Mac. Thus Apple is a great company which has great ideas and makes them true.

Actions not only reveal our values but make us more valuable.



      本文标题:45: Actions matter
