Day6 (pdf--page77-83)

Day6 (pdf--page77-83)

作者: Sophie的读书笔记 | 来源:发表于2017-11-13 18:00 被阅读0次

Part 1: What We Learned:

第五章 没有Savannah陪伴的一天,John过得百无聊赖,没有地方去的他来到了Leroy‘s bar,却发现自己讨厌那里的一切,包括过去的那些朋友。我想可能这个酒吧代表着他过去曾经有过的没有追求毫无目标的颓靡生活……他离开的时候,杯子里的酒都几乎是满的……他的厌恶和离开似乎在告诉我们John真的已经不再是过去的那个他了。



Part 2: Q&A

1. Did John’s father ask about his date with Savannah?

No, John’s father said nothing about his date.

2. How did John feel about Leroy’s? Why?

He hated the bar, it’s darker and dinger than he remembered. He hate everything about the bar, including his friends, bacause he wasn’t the same anymore.

3. What did John do for his father in this chapter?

He made a dinner for his father.

4. Did John get to know his mother better? What did he get to know from his father?

No, he didn’t. He just knew she was a pretty waitress, and they met at a dinner.



      本文标题:Day6 (pdf--page77-83)
