A: Welcome back, boxing fans! My name is Rick Fields, and here with me is the man with an iron jaw, Bob Copeland.
B: Thank you, Rick! We are coming to you live from Las Vegas! We’re in the beautiful MGM Grand Hotel and Casino where the world heavyweight championship is about to get under way!
A: That’s right Bob! We are about to witness the legendary Italian Stallion himself, Rocky Balboa, square off against his lifetime rival, Apollo Creed! This will be a gruesome match for sure.
B: Both fighters are in the ring, and we are about to begin.
C: In the blue corner, weighing in at two hundred and twenty pounds, the former heavyweight champion of the world, ”The Master of Disaster”, the one and only, Apollo Creed! In the red corner, weighing two hundred and eighteen pounds and with a record of forty-seven wins and thirty-seven knockouts, the undefeated,undisputed, heavyweight champion of the world, the ”Italian Stallion”, Rocky Balboa!
A: There is the bell and this fight is underway! Apollo quickly attacks Rocky with quick strong jabs! Rocky dodges successfully and counterattacks with a strong right hook!
B: Apollo is cut! Rocky landed a strong blow to his right eyebrow and cut him!
A: This is his chance! Rocky quickly throws a left, right, another left! Apollo is getting pounded!
B: Apollo recovers with a powerful haymaker and catches Rocky off guard! He’s down! the ref starts the count!
C: 1,2,3,4,5,.....
1.gruesome a. [ˈɡruːsəm]
very unpleasant and filling you with horror, usually because it is connected with death or injury
They were two sisters who loved and hated each other. They would look out for each other, but they would also fight all the time. Like, blood fights. Biting. Clawing. It was a strange, gruesome relationship.
a gruesome murder
gruesome pictures of dead bodies
2.square off
摆好打斗的架势;准备迎战 If one group or person squares off against or with another, they prepare to fight them.
The Los Angeles Lakers and the Chicago Bulls square off for the first game of the series.
In Florida, farmers are squaring off against cities for rights to groundwater...
3.pound v.
用力击打;连续砰砰地猛击 If you pound something or pound on it, you hit it with great force, usually loudly and repeatedly.
He pounded the table with his fist...
Somebody began pounding on the front door...
闪身躲开;避开 If you dodge something, you avoid it by quickly moving aside or out of reach so that it cannot hit or reach you.
So she’d yell “Thief!” knowing it would bring the whole neighborhood out against me, and then I’d have strangers trying to grab me and tackle me, and I’d have to duck and dive and dodge them as well, all the while screaming, “I’m not a thief! I’m her son!”
He dodged the first punch but was hit by the second.
※dodge a bullet
to narrowly avoid an unwelcome, harmful, or disastrous outcome or occurrence
coastal towns dodged a bullet when the hurricane veered out to sea
(比赛中的)裁判 The ref in a sports game, such as football or boxing, is the same as the referee.[ˌrefəˈriː]
6.underway (get under way=be about to begin)
having started; happening now
Preparations are well under way for a week of special events in May.
Preparations for their arrival are already under way.
A search is under way. [=inprogress]
a powerful hit with the fist: a very hard punch
He was knocked down by a haymaker to his jaw.
throw/deliver a haymaker
8.for sure
without a doubt:definitely or certainly
No one knows for sure[=for certain] what happened.
That was a mistake for sure. = That for sure was a mistake.
(US,informal) “Do you want to come to the party?” “For sure.” [=I certainly do]
“We don't want that to happen again.” “That's for sure!” [=that is certainly true]
I think he'll be back on Monday, but I can't say for sure.
One thing is for sure— it's not going to be easy.
9.catch sb off guard
措手不及的;没有提防的;无思想准备的 If someone is caught off-guard, they are not expecting a surprise or danger that suddenly occurs.
in an unprepared state:not ready
They've been bluffing, trying to keep himoff guard.
Her angry response caught me off guard. [=surprised me]
We were thrown off guard [=surprised] by their early arrival.
公认的;当之无愧的 If you describe someone as the undisputed leader or champion, you mean that everyone accepts their position as leader or champion.
Seles won 10 tournaments, and was the undisputed world champion...
At 78 years of age, he's still undisputed leader of his country.
11.land a punch/blow, etc.
to succeed in hitting someone
He landed a punch on Jackson’s nose.
She landed a punch on hischin.
men's shorts, worn especially for swimming or boxing
2.headbutt v./n.