
作者: 润润2010and霖霖2014 | 来源:发表于2020-02-19 16:48 被阅读0次

suzy Have come to peppa's house for play.

Hello suzy.

Hello papa.

My mommy and daddy are going out for evening, we has to baby-sit.

Baby-sit?But we not grow up, I know we can pretend to be grown up.Peppa let's find Your Mommy and daddy's old clothes.

easy as pie,this way.

A box of clothes. Thank you peppa,Now let's pretend to be daddy and mommy.I want to be daddy.

I want to be mommy,I have to find mommy is make Up box.First some powder lovely. Now for some lipstick what a beautiful mommy pig.Let's go baby-sit.

George I am your daddy and peppa is your mummy.Now you should be in bed asleep.

Daddy sheep, george is sleeping Now,let's play ball.

What was that strange noise?

Don't worry Daddy sheep It's thunder. It means there will be a thunderstorm with lots of rain.

The sky is getting darker and darker there is going to be a Thunder Storm.


I'm not peppa, I'm mummy pig and she is daddy sheep.What's wrong?

I left my mr dinosaur in the garden, he'll get wet.

No need to panic george. Daddy sheep will rescue mr dinosaur.

You'd better hurry. It's just about to rain.

as i thought not getting rain.

Thank you,Can I play with you?

Of course let's play piggy in the middle.I want to piggy in the middle.

Catch george.

Catch mommy pig.

Peppa george and suzy are having a lot of fun.

Daddy sheep I'm a bit hungry,Let's make pancakes.Pancakes is ready.


George has hiccups.

Daddy sheep, can you cure his hiccups?

I know to cure hiccups, the ill piggy must be given a shock.

George's hiccups has gone.Mommy pig and daddy pig are back home.

Suzy, peppa, George, Why didn't you go to bed?

I'm not peppa I'm mummy pig and Suzy is daddy sheep.

Oh of course.

Because George just hiccups.Tonight we are very happy.


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