Using Numbers

Using Numbers

作者: lindyang | 来源:发表于2018-09-12 08:48 被阅读0次
    • Double-extended floating-point
    • integers more than 1 byte are stored in little endian format
    • integers stored in big-endian format within the register
    • Signed magnitude

    两种方式表示 0


    • The carry value is ignored in signed integer arithmetic
    • movzx source, destination

    smaller-sized unsigned => larger-sized unsigned integer(only register)

    • movsx
    • x/nfu
    • f: c, d, x, s
    • u: b, h, w, g
    • mmx register

    64bit. Mapped to the FPU registers

    • movq source, destination

    MMX, SSE, 64-bit memory location

    • print/f
    • SIMD

    Single Instruction Multiple Data

    • MMX

    Multimedia Extension

    • SSE

    Streaming SIMD Extensions
    Pentium 4 processor introduce 8 128-bit XMM registers

    • quad: 4 * 16 = 64
    • dq: double quad: 2 * 4 * 16 = 125
    • movdqa/movdqu
    • FPU provides a method for supporting signed BCD

    8 80-bit, st0..st7, 类似栈
    最高位作为符号位, 低 9 字节存储 BCD
    Remember that the BCD value is converted to the floating-point representation while in the FPU

    • fbld

    Packed Decimal (BCD) Load (fbld)

    • fbstp

    Packed Decimal (BCD) Store and Pop (fbstp)

    • Floating-point format


    • IEEE Standard 754
    • A sign
    • A significand
    • exponent
    • fld source

    source can be a 32-, 64-, or 80-bit memory location
    flds: single; fldl: double

    • fst destnation

    fsts: single; fstl: double

    • x/f; x/gf
    • fld1: +1.0
    • fldl2t: log210
    • fldl2e: log2e
    • fldpi: PI
    • fldlg2: log102
    • fldln2: loge2
    • fldz: +0.0
      IEEE 754
    • 128-bit packed single-precision floating-point (in SSE)
    • 128-bit packed double-precision floating-point (in SSE2)
    • SSE3 technology, available in Pentium 4 and later processors, adds three additional instructions

    moving packed double-precision floating-point



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