作者: billliu_0d62 | 来源:发表于2017-10-06 17:14 被阅读2次

    Ominous Earthquake Swarm At Yellowstone Supervolcano Now One Of Longest Ever Recorded

    Yellowstone 超级火山地震群持续活跃 持续活跃状况延续时间超长

    The rumblings beneath the formerly dormant supervolcano known as the Yellowstone caldera just won't quit. And the ongoing earthquake swarm at the Yellowstone National Park supervolcano is now one of the longest ever recorded, having started on June 12.

    Yellowstone 超级火山地底传来轰鸣声。6月12日后地震群持续活跃,持续活跃状况延续时间超长。

    Over the past three and a half months,almost 2,500 earthquakes have been recorded in the western part of the national park. This is on par with the biggest swarm ever recorded, where more than 3,000 earthquakes took place over three months, Newsweek reports.


    In its latest monthly update about activity at Yellowstone, the US Geological Survey said 115 earthquakes had been reported in the park during September.Of these, 78 were part of the ongoing swarm 6 miles north of West Yellowstone.The biggest event in the swarm last month was magnitude 2.3.


    While scientists at the USGS have brushed off the threat of a supervolcano eruption, scientists at NASA have said it represents a potentially devastating threat to the US population. These same scientists have suggested several risky strategies to prevent an eruption if one appears imminent.


    Brian Wilcox, a former member of the NASA Advisory Council on Planetary Defense, and several other NASA researchers over the summer shared a report previously unseen outside the space agency about the threat Yellowstone poses, and what can be done to prevent an eruption.

    美国宇航局的科学家们已经对外公布了1份原先的内部报告,这份报告讲述了 Yellowstone 超级火山带有的威胁,以及如何防止火山喷发。

    According to NASA,an eruption at Yellowstone could plunge the earth into a volcanic winter and destroy crops and livestock, precipitating widespread famines.  Food reserves would only last about 74 days, according to the UN, after an eruption of a super volcano, like that under Yellowstone.

    美国宇航局内部有这样的看法,Yellowstone 超级火山可能将地球拖入1个火山冬季:毁灭农作物和牲畜,导致饥荒蔓延。依据联合国的报告,超级火山喷发后食物储备只能提供74天的粮食供应。

    With an eruption long overdue, NASA has devised a plan to drill into the caldera and try to artificially cool it – a strategy that researchers say comes with its own risks.


    Scientists at the USGS say the monthslong earthquake storm at the caldera has ended; however, they played down the risks posed by the swarm shortly after it started over the summer, only for the rumbling to continue. Others maintain that an eruption is long overdue.




