Sleep no more

Sleep no more

作者: Rollin_Panda | 来源:发表于2021-03-15 02:08 被阅读0次

It is very late now, but I'm still awake.

fad-diet - temporary fashion
viable - feasible
substantiate - to establish by proof or competent evidence
niche - a distinct segment of a market. fitness niche
bevy - a large group of collection
revamp -renovate
bulimia - eating disorder
shell out big bucks for these goods - pay a large amount of money for these goods
external service
about the issue at hand
reimbursing you for your loss
place this on record

It's been quite a long time I haven't record my current life and study.
Last Tuesday, I had karate training fighting with 10 people because the black belt exam which I would participate will take place at the end of April. I haven't seriously trained for at least one year. Now only 5 weeks left for me. Is it possible for me to pass the exam? I don't know.
Last Friday, a little quarrel happened between new joined colleague and I. I was annoyed by him. After 2 days thinking, there might be 3 reasons. 1) I cannot retort him with my professional knowledge, 2) he didn't give enough space for me to express my idea, 3) my profession attitude was challenged. Whatever the reasons are, I know I don't like him. OK, then collaberate with him.
Admit the weakness of oneself is tough, but only by facing it directly, can one conquer it.
We all love to be praised, we all love to be a wonderful person in others eyes, we all love to be loved. But the real world is, not everything you do will be praised, nothing's perfect on the earth , not everyone will like you.
People say that the first step of growth is to accept yourself. Yes, I admit it, and I know it's painful since I've experienced. But acception doesn't mean I will do nothing on it. Acceptation is one thing, hardworking is another.
The true sophistication means, I understand how brutal the real world is, but I still try my best living and loving.
Life is too short to take it seriously.


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