
作者: 果大喵喵 | 来源:发表于2019-01-14 01:52 被阅读18次

#Finding yourself, defining yourself

What you need and what you chasing for, that define yourself.

As Abraham Maslow illustrated in the form of a pyramid, from the base to top is: physiological - belongingness and love - self-esteem - aesthetic and cognitive - Self-actualization. Each lower ones needs to be met and each in turn, so the higher one could be fulfilled. But is Self-actualization the uniqu and terminal life goal? For example in Greece and Japan, job security is often a greater need; and in Denmark, needs for affiliation and acceptance is more than self-actualization. (《A Guide to Sociological Thinking》, by Vincent Ryan Ruggiero, P.44)

In 1978, The Austrian psychiatrist, Viktor Frankl asserted, making self-actualization is ultimately self-defeating. The most human need is rather Self-Transcendence. A person becomes fully human, when "forgetting himself and giving himself, overlooking himself and focusing outward" (p.35) Which we now called as: devote to something bigger.

Why we shall discuss about it unseemly related to our learning & knowledge system? Because it is always essential to define the direction before setting sail. We hold passion as a map, vigilant with motive, thus we won't  trapped by the "voice of Mermaid", or get lost on the way. We will need to get well prepared, go through all adventures, while taking care of our soul.

So, always being clarified before start: who you want to be, and in which peak you would reach.

under the line is, 大厨的秘诀就在那一把盐,是调味的关键所在。





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