第六章 来自tokens的复杂对象

第六章 来自tokens的复杂对象

作者: suenism | 来源:发表于2020-02-16 16:44 被阅读0次

    我们还可以像上一节那样,从复杂对象中创建token。在本例中,我们可以获取一个令牌,并且每次访问受保护的端点时,都会自动使用该令牌来加载复杂对象(例如SQLAlchemy实例)。这是通过user_loader_callback_loader()装饰器完成的。通过使用get_current_user()函数,或者直接使用current_user LocalProxy,可以在受保护的端点中访问结果对象。需要注意的一件事是,如果您在user_loader_callback_loader()中访问数据库,那么每次调用时都会产生数据库查找的成本,而不管您是否需要来自数据库的额外数据。在大多数情况下,这可能不是什么值得担心的事情,但请注意,如果它处理高流量,它可能会减慢您的应用程序。

    from flask import Flask, jsonify, request
    from flask_jwt_extended import (
        JWTManager, jwt_required, create_access_token,  current_user
    app = Flask(__name__)
    app.config['JWT_SECRET_KEY'] = 'super-secret'  # Change this!
    jwt = JWTManager(app)
    # A demo user object that we will use in this example.
    class UserObject:
        def __init__(self, username, roles):
            self.username = username
            self.roles = roles
    # An example store of users. In production, this would likely
    # be a sqlalchemy instance or something similar.
    users_to_roles = {
        'foo': ['admin'],
        'bar': ['peasant'],
        'baz': ['peasant']
    # This function is called whenever a protected endpoint is accessed,
    # and must return an object based on the tokens identity.
    # This is called after the token is verified, so you can use
    # get_jwt_claims() in here if desired. Note that this needs to
    # return None if the user could not be loaded for any reason,
    # such as not being found in the underlying data store
    def user_loader_callback(identity):
        if identity not in users_to_roles:
            return None
        return UserObject(
    # You can override the error returned to the user if the
    # user_loader_callback returns None. If you don't override
    # this, # it will return a 401 status code with the JSON:
    # {"msg": "Error loading the user <identity>"}.
    # You can use # get_jwt_claims() here too if desired
    def custom_user_loader_error(identity):
        ret = {
            "msg": "User {} not found".format(identity)
        return jsonify(ret), 404
    # Create a token for any user, so this can be tested out
    @app.route('/login', methods=['POST'])
    def login():
        username = request.get_json().get('username', None)
        access_token = create_access_token(identity=username)
        ret = {'access_token': access_token}
        return jsonify(ret), 200
    # If the user_loader_callback returns None, this method will
    # not be run, even if the access token is valid. You can
    # access the loaded user via the ``current_user``` LocalProxy,
    # or with the ```get_current_user()``` method
    @app.route('/admin-only', methods=['GET'])
    def protected():
        if 'admin' not in current_user.roles:
            return jsonify({"msg": "Forbidden"}), 403
            return jsonify({"msg": "don't forget to drink your ovaltine"})
    if __name__ == '__main__':



          本文标题:第六章 来自tokens的复杂对象
