iOS Swift

作者: 雪丹妮_66865 | 来源:发表于2019-09-25 15:30 被阅读0次

import UIKit

var str = "Hello, playground"

for c in "Hello world" {

let names = ["zhangsan","lisi","wangwu","zhaoliu"]
for name in names {

let numberOfLegs = ["spider":8,"ant":6,"cat":4]
for t in numberOfLegs {
print("(t.0) has (t.1) legs")

for (name, legs) in numberOfLegs {
print("(name) has (legs) legs")

// for-in循环
let base = 3
let power = 5
var answer = 1
for _ in 1...power {
answer *= base
print("(base) to the power of (power) is (answer)")

let minuteInterval = 5
for tickMark in stride(from: 0, to: 50, by: minuteInterval) {
for tickMark in stride(from: 0, through: 50, by: minuteInterval) {

//repeat-while循环(Objective-C do-while)
var count = 0
repeat {
count += 1
} while count < 5

//switch语句一定得是全面的。就是说,给定类型里每一个值都得被考虑到并且匹配到一个switch的case。如果无法提供一个switch case所有可能的值,你可以定义一个默认匹配所有的case来匹配所有未明确出来的值。这个匹配所有的情况用关键字default标记,并且必须在所有case的最后出现。
//Objective-C switch 语句如果不全面,仍然可以运行。

//char c = 'z';
//switch (c) {
//case 'a':
// NSLog(@"The first letter of the alphabet");
// break;
//case 'z':
// NSLog(@"The last letter of the alphabet");
// break;

let someCharacter: Character = "z"
switch someCharacter {
case "a":
print("The first letter of the alphabet")
case "z":
print("The last letter of the alphabet")
print("Some other character")

let anotherCharacter: Character = "a"
switch anotherCharacter {
//case "a":
case "A","a":
print("The letter A")
print("Not the letter A")

//switch 的case的值可以在一个区间中匹配
let approximateCount = 62
let countedThings = "moons orbiting Saturn"
var naturalCount: String
switch approximateCount {
case 0:
naturalCount = "no"
case 1..<5:
naturalCount = "a few"
case 5..<12:
naturalCount = "several"
case 12..<100:
naturalCount = "dozens of"
case 100..<1000:
naturalCount = "hundreds of"
naturalCount = "many"
print("There are (naturalCount) (countedThings).")

let somePoint = (1,1)
switch somePoint {
case (0, 0):
print("(0, 0) is at the origin")
case (
, 0):
print("((somePoint.0), 0) is on the x-axis")
case (0, _):
print("(0, (somePoint.1) is on the y-axis)")
case [-2...2, -2...2]:
print("((somePoint.0), (somePoint.1)) is inside the box")
print("((somePoint.0), (somePoint.1)) is outside of the box")

let anotherPoint = (2, 0)
switch anotherPoint {
case (let x, 0):
print("on the x-axis with an x value of (x)")
case (0, let y)
print("on the x-axis with a y value of (y)")
case let (x, y)
print("somewhere else at ((x), (y))")

//switch case可以使用where分句来检查是否符合特定的约束
let yetAnotherPoint = (1, -1)
switch yetAnotherPoint {
case let (x, y) where x == y:
print("((x), (y)) is on the line x == y")
case let (x, y) where x == -y:
print("((x), (y)) is on the line x == -y")
case let (x, y):
print("((x), (y)) is just some arbitrary point")

let someCharacter1: Character = "e"
switch someCharacter1 {
case "a", "e", "i", "o", "u":
print("(someCharacter1) is a vowel")
case "b", "c", "d", "f", "g", "h", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n",
"p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z":
print("(someCharacter1) is a consonant")
print("(someCharacter1) is not a vowel or a consonant")



//continue 语句告诉循环停止正在做的事情并且再次从头开始循环的下一次遍历。它是说“我不再继续当前的循环遍历了”而不是离开整个的循环


let integerToDescribe = 5
var description = "The number (integerToDescribe) is"
switch integerToDescribe {
case 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19:
description += "a prime number, and also"
description += "an integer."

var number = 10
whileLoop : while number > 0 {
switch number {
case 9:
case 10:
var sum = 0
for index in 0...10 {
sum += index
if index == 9 {
break whileLoop

number -= 1


//当编写条件语句的时候,左边的代码间距应该是一个“黄金”或者“快乐”的大道。这是说,不要嵌套if语句。多个return语句是OK的。这样可以避免圈复杂度(Cyclomatic Complexity),并且让代码更加容易阅读。因为你的方法的重要部分没有嵌套在分支上,你可以很清楚地找到相关的代码。

func isIPAddress(ipAddr: String) -> (Int, String) {
let components = ipAddr.split(separator: ".")
if components.count == 4 {
if let first = Int(components[0]), first >= 0 && first < 256 {
if let second = Int(components[1]), second >= 0 && second < 256 {
if let third = Int(components[2]), third >= 0 && third < 256 {
if let fourth = Int(components[3]), fourth >= 0 && fourth < 256 {
return (0, "")
} else {
return (4, "this forth components is wrong")
} else {
return (3, "this third components is wrong")
} else {
return (2, "this second components is wrong")
} else {
return (1, "this first components is wrong")
return (100, "ip 只能有四部分")

func isIPAddress2(ipAddr: String) -> (Int, String) {
let components = ipAddr.split(separator: ".")

guard components.count == 4 else {
    return (100, "ip只能有四部分")

guard let first = Int(components[0]), first >= 0 && first < 256 else {
    return (1, "第一个数不对")

guard let second = Int(components[1]), second >= 0 && second < 256 else {
    return (2, "第二个数不对")

guard let third = Int(components[0]), third >= 0 && third < 256 else {
    return (3, "第三个数不对")

guard let fourth = Int(components[0]), fourth >= 0 && fourth < 256 else {
    return (4, "第四个数不对")

return (0, "")



if #available(iOS 10, *) {


for _ in 1...3 {
let someValue = 42

let point = (3, 2)
switch point {
//将point中的元素绑定到 x 和 y
case let (x, y):
print("The point is at ((x), (y))")

//你可以使用类型标注去限制一个元组模式能匹配那种元组类型。例如,在常量声明let(x, y):(Int, Int)=(1,2)中的元组模式(x,y):(Int, Int)只匹配两个元素都是Int类型的元组。
let points = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (2, 0), (2, 1)]
//for (x, 0) in points {

for (x, y) in points where y == 0 {
print("(x) and (y)")


//可选项目模式为for-in语句提供了一种迭代数组的简便方式,只为数组中非nilde 元素执行循环体
let someOptional: Int? = 42
if case .some(let x) = someOptional {

if case let x? = someOptional {

let arrayOfOptionalInts: [Int?] = [nil, 2, 3, nil, 5]
for case let number? in arrayOfOptionalInts {
print("Found a (number)")

//is 类型
//模式 as 类型

protocol Animal {
var name: String { get }

struct Dog: Animal {
var name: String {
return "dog"
var runSpeed: Int

struct Bird: Animal {
var name: String {
return "bird"
var flightHeight: Int

struct Fish: Animal {
var name: String {
return "fish"
var depth: Int

let animals:[Any] = [Dog(runSpeed: 55), Bird(flightHeight: 1000), Fish(depth: 100)]

for animal in animals {
switch animal {
case let dog as Dog:
print("( can run (dog.runSpeed)")
case let fish as Fish:
print("( can dive depth (fish.depth)")
case is Bird:
print("bird can fly")
print("unknown animal!")

struct Employee {
var salary: Int

func ~= (left:ClosedRange<Int>, right:Employee) -> Bool {
return left.contains(right.salary)

var e:Employee = Employee(salary: 2000)
switch e {
case 0...1000:
case 1000...5000:
case 5000...10000:



      本文标题:iOS Swift
