

作者: 螃蟹的蚂蚱 | 来源:发表于2022-03-29 16:47 被阅读0次

12.12 yangshuai 17
Paris wants to be Europe’s greenest city.
(standup comedy) Navigator Hybrid
1.Book a bike tour to explore the city.
2.Explore more
3.A bike booom
4.Take a walk(stroll)
5.Take long leisurely strolls 一个悠闲漫步的大城市
7.hang out (let us go and hang out a kafee)
8.Driving in the city is somewhat madding
9.Vow to make more car-free spaces
10.Limit the number of automobiles that are permitted to enter 限制允许进入的汽车数量
11.Make room for bike lanes
12.Significantly fewer places to park
13.Take in all the unforgettable sight
14.Provide spces for eco-friendly electric
15.Leave a smaller carbon footprint
16.A trip with more walking and pedding

How can we
What forms of transportation leave a small carbon footprint?
What problem can happen as tourism grows?
What are the differences between city life an country life?
How can we raise people’s awarness of environmental protection?
I don’t thing there are very efficient ways to raise it.

I don’t suppose there’s much we cna do to raise.......

But rather, the goverment should take same measures to restrict people’s activities. So that what we do can beneficial to the enviroment.

For instance, a goverment can limit the number of automobiles that permitted to enter the city enter.,And also perhaps it can significantly reduce parking spaces spots and make room for bike lanes so more people will choose to pedal
The benifit of this is that it will leave a smaller carbon footprint. So this sounds like a more feasible plan.

What are the benifits of cycling?


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