
作者: 瑶花琪树的瑶 | 来源:发表于2018-06-02 15:34 被阅读0次

    上期说要和大家分享《傲慢与偏见》里的一二事,但乘着夏天,还是说说海吧~  每一次看到海会有一种似曾相识的感觉,像多年未见的老朋友。下面是英格兰作家 阿道司•赫胥黎的散文诗作—在海边供大家欣赏和学习。

    At Sea 

    Familiarity blunts astonishment. Fishes do not marvel at water; they are too busy swimming in it. It is the same with us. We take our western civilization for granted and find nothing intrinsically odd or incongruous in it. Before we can realize the strangeness of our surroundings, we must deliberately stop and think.


    But moments come when that strangeness is fairly forced upon our notice, moments when an anomaly, a contradiction, an immense incongruity is suddenly illuminated by a light so glaring that we cannot fail to see it. Such a moment came to me as I was crossing the Pacific. It was the first morning out of Yokohama. Coming out of my cabin, I was handed the day’s bulletin of wireless news. I unfolded the typewritten sheet and read: “Mrs. X of Los Angeles, girl wife of Dr. X, aged 79, has been arrested for driving her automobile along the railroad track, whistling like a locomotive”. This piece of information had been transmitted through the ethereal holes between the molecules of air. From a broadcasting station more than five thousand miles away, it had come to our ship in rather less time than it would have taken the sound of my voice to travel from one end of the promenade deck to the other. The labors of half a dozen men of genius, of hundreds of patient and talented investigators, had gone to creating and perfecting the means for achieving this miracle. To what end? That the exploits of young Mrs. X, of Los Angeles, might be instantaneously known to every traveler on all the oceans of the globe. The ether reverberated with the name of Mrs. X. The wave that bore it broke against the moon and the planets, and rippled on towards the stars and the ultimate void. Farady and Clerk Maxwell had not lived in vain.


    The wise men of Antiquity (So say the Indians) knew all that we have learned about nature, and a great deal more besides. But they kept their science to themselves, or revealed it only in enigmas which cannot be interpreted except in the light of a previous knowledge of the answers. They were afraid that---men being what they are---their discoveries might be put to bad or futile uses. The ordinary man, they argued, is not to be trusted with the power which comes of knowledge. They withheld their science.


    Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous.



