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「示例」eMedical 体检结果提交通知邮件

「示例」eMedical 体检结果提交通知邮件

作者: fe0e5f3a6b4b | 来源:发表于2017-06-27 16:24 被阅读169次

本邮件将在进行新西兰1096体检后的若干天发送至你的邮箱。(本人实际情况为 4 天)

From: eMedical noreply@border.gov.au
To: imyvm@outlook.com
Subject: PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL – Health Results Submitted for NZER: N000123456
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2017 16:42:08 +1000


You have received this message because you have recently undertaken a health examination as a requirement for your New Zealand visa application.You advised at that time that you wished to receive confirmation when your health examination has been completed.

Your health examination has now been completed and submitted to Immigration New Zealand (INZ).

Your health examination results show no abnormal or significant findings. This does not necessarily mean that you have an acceptable standard of health for the purposes of your visa application. INZ will contact you if it has any concerns and requires further information about your health.

What now?
You should submit your visa application to INZ. within three months of the date of this email. If you do not, you will be required to provide new medical information to INZ. Your health examination results will not be assessed by INZ until your visa application is received.

To receive a copy of your health examination, contact the panel clinic where your examination was completed and request this information. Any queries you may have about your health examination results should also be directed to the panel clinic where your examination was completed. Please quote reference number NZER: N000123456 when contacting the clinic.

For queries about your visa application please contact the INZ Contact Centre.

Any opinions expressed in this message or the attached file(s) are not necessarily those of INZ. This message and any file(s) transmitted with it are confidential and solely for the use of the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivery to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this message in error and that any use is strictly prohibited. Please contact INZ and delete the message and any attachment from your computer.

Important Notice: The content of this email is intended only for use by the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you have received this email by mistake, please advise the sender and delete the message and attachments immediately. This email, including attachments, may contain confidential, sensitive, legally privileged and/or copyright information.

Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. DIBP respects your privacy and has obligations under the Privacy Act 1988.

Unsolicited commercial emails MUST NOT be sent to the originator of this email.


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    本文标题:「示例」eMedical 体检结果提交通知邮件
