What karate can do?

What karate can do?

作者: 爱吃辣的小竹子 | 来源:发表于2017-01-09 16:18 被阅读0次

    Do you want to protect yourself?

    Do you want to protect your girlfriend or boyfriend?

    Like this……


    Do you just want to "kill" your ex-boyfriend?

    Come to this WS and I will show you!

    Some words you have to know before the WS:

    Karateka 练习空手道的人

    Combat sport 格斗

    Kihon 基础

    Kata 套路

    Kumite 搏击

    Dojo 道场

    Dojo kum 道训

    Rank 段位

    Kick 踢

    Knee strikes 膝撞

    Knife-hand 手刀

    Palm-heel strikes 前踢

    Punch 拳打

    Block 防守

    Upper level 上段

    Lower level 下段

    Hook 勾拳



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