unknown type name 'class'; did you mean 'Class'?
.m文件中引入了c++代码文件,改成.mm -
Cannot synthesize weak property in file using manual reference counting(解决Xcode7.3无法联想引入自定义头文件)
Weak Reference In Manual Retain Release ->YES -
Duplicate Symbols for Architecture arm64解决办法,有重复文件
The device that was selected before performing this action was disconnected or has encountered a pro 重启Xcode
ERROR ITMS-90166: "Missing Code Signing Entitlements. No entitlements found in bundle '...' for executable '...'."
解决方法:右击 bundle 文件->显示包文件,找到 info.plist 文件,有 Executable file 一行,删除。不要删工程plist里面的 -
ERROR ITMS-90171: "Invalid Bundle Structure - The binary file 'xxx' is not permitted. Your app can't contain standalone executables or libraries, other than the CFBundleExecutable of supported bundles."
解决方法:把该报错的xxx可执行文件删除即可。 -
报错ERROR ITMS-90474
解决方法:打开项目属性,选择“General”选项,勾选“Requires full screen” -
Xcode报错:Cannot synthesize weak property in file using manual reference counting
修改:项目->TARGETS->Build Settings->Apple LLVM 8.0-Language-Objective C->Weak References in Manual Retian Release改为YES -
Specs satisfying the
dependency were found, but they required a higher minimum deployment target.
解决方法:把 podfile里面的 platform :ios, ‘7.0’ 改成platform :ios, ‘9.0’,就OK 了 -
ERROR ITMS-90535:删除第三方plist文件中的 Executable file
- 'CPU access for textures with MTLResourceStorageModePrivate storage mode is disallowed.' 69111965-132afa80-0aba-11ea-8282-6e711e4c6e71.png