

作者: 侑兮君 | 来源:发表于2019-12-18 22:04 被阅读0次

    I lived next door to a nice married couple

    They seemed very much in love

    Until  the night  someone heard  gunshots and the police were called

    They said one of those nice people had been murdered

    I asked my mother how something like that could happen

    All she said was:marriage  is harder than it looks

    Year later, a rich couple moved into that same house

    I always thought they seemed happy

    Until the police came back,and I saw the body

    The rumor was one of the rich people had killed the other

    I asked myfinaceewhat she thought had happened

    All she said was,death is cheaper than divorce

    Last year another couple came to live in the house next door

    They were young and seemed to have so much to live for

    But sadly,I heard the sirens one more time

    I arrived at the crime scene to have my worst fears confirmed

    I turned to my wife and said,another love story has ended in murder.

    I can't believe it.

    My wife looked at me and said -I can


    That's looks delicious

    You know,you're starting to become one of my regulars

    What is this,your second time this week?

    I'm afraid I don't have much to occupy my days

    Being a lonely widow in a new town

    Shelia ,you never told me that your husband died,I'm so sorry.

    Don't be It's happens.Do you have afella?

    Of course you do.

    You're so pretty,What's his name?

    I can't,not here,It's kind of a complicated situation

    I understand

    Understand what?

    Clearly, you're dating a married man

    How did you know that

    You used the word"complicated " what else could it mean?

    Please don't tell anyone,I'm not proud of it

    Of course  you're not

    Don't worry, I can keep a secreat

    I do have one question

    Has your married man ever told you

    Why he feels the need to cheat?

    My husband had an affair

    But he died before I could find out why

    naturally ,I'm curious

    I'm sure it was a completely different situation

    Or maybe it was exactly the same,Who knows?

    Has Rob said anything?

    Not really,No

    I assume it's just the obvious: he was bored with his wife

    check  please

    You know how housewives can be

    They forget that their husbands need more than hot meals and clean socks

    Men want excitement and passion

    Lots of women just forget to put in that kind of an effort

    They don't change their hair

    They always wear the same dowdy clothes

    Can I get you anything else?

    You've already given me more than enough tochewon

    How long have u been here?

    About an hour or so,How are you feeling?

    You know ,it's funny

    You attempt suicide with a bottle of sleeping pills

    Or when you finally wake up.theysedateyou

    God,what were you thinking?

    Look I was ashamed of the pain I had caused.

    And you thought your death would cause me less pain

    It's was stupid and selfish,I'm sorry

    Well,just tell me you won't try it again

    I won't try and kill myself again

    The doctors say you can go home this afternoon

    Well,that's your call.not theirs

    Can I came home?

    Well,I've thought about ,it I still want a divorce

    But there's no need to rush things

    You can stay at the house,and then after a while,we'll separate

    Amicably、 charmingly

    I want people to envy our divorce the same way they envied our marriage

    God forbid our friends should ever pity you

    Our friends don't feel pity,onlyschadenfreude

    And when would we separate

    Oh,sometime in July

    After  your daughter's wedding

    We've been planning all year to make sure every detail is perfect

    And whyupstageher?

    exactly ,you love Amy as much as I do

    You wouldn't  want to ruin her special day with a divorce

    Or scandal

    Of course not

    But with what I've spent on this wedding

    I had to make sure

    You don't need to wait me

    And you're recovering from atraumaticevent

    I'm not worried about Duke anymore

    He stopped texting me

    So,what's his deal?

    He was always accusing me of cheating on him

    Of course,I was

    But I would have appreciated a little trust但希望能得到一点信任

    Did Duke know about you two?

    Sure yeah,Mostly because of how we met

    How did u meet?

    You never told him the story?

    Well,we don't usually share stories about our playmates

    Share,just this once

    I was sellinglingerieat agent provocateur

    Solid opening scene,Go on

    Well,I was there to buy a few bras

    Red Iace

    The kind I like

    So,I was in the fitting room taking my top off

    When thezippergets caught in my hair

    So she sticks her head out and is all

    Can u come in here for a sec?

    What are you doing?

    You had your eyes closed.

    Yeah,I'm just trying to picture it


    So, what happed after you helped my wife out of her sweater

    He asked in a non-pervy way

    We did it right there in the fitting room

    Six in a fitting room

    Bravo,That was justbravo

    And I am so gonna close my eyes later

    Anyway,that was six months ago

    And we’re still together

    Uh,you told me that you met Jade just a few weeks ago

    I’m pretty sure I said “months”

    You absolutely did not

    Well,I obviously I made a mistake

    Who wants dessert?

    I got fortune cookies,Actually,I was hoping we could jump in the hottub

    If it’s okay with you guys

    I don’t know-yeah,you know what?

    I’m not really in the mood for cookies

    Why don’t I run down to that pie shop you like 

    Pick up somepecan

    You guys,get in the hot tub

    Have a nice littlesoakuntil I get back

    That sounds amazing

    Doesn't that sounds amazing ?

    Yeah.you don't mind?

    Not at all


    Honey,I'm home

    Where are u?

    I'm right here,darling.

    I've missed you

    Is dinner ready?

    I've had a hell of day

    I'm gonna to fix myself a drink

    Let me know when food's on the table

    So you had a rough day?

    The worst

    My best engineer quit today

    My secretary called in sick,and on top of all that,

    I took my boss'sbriefcasehome by mistake

    I hope your day was better than mine

    Well,now that you ask.

    I had a lovely day

    I bought a new dress

    Did u?

    That the dress?-It is

    What do you think?-it's nice-Just nice

    It cost a whole week's allowance

    Why would u spend that much on a dress?

    I wanted to look pretty .for u

    What's wrong? I don't understand

    It has been years since I bought a new dress

    And I got my nails done,and I got a new hairdo

    How could u not notice?

    Well,to be honest,I never notice stuff like that

    Why not?-cause when I look at you,I don't see clothes or hair

    I just see you the girl I married

    Is that so?

    Yeah,I don't expect u to bechicorstylish

    You're my wife

    I just need you to be the same old Beth.an

    What the hell?

    If you're not going to notice what's I'm wearing

    Why should I bother to wear anything at all? 我为什么要费心穿任何东西呢?

    You want to see the same old Beth?

    Fine,Here she is  in all herglory.

    Why is your boss here?

    He probably came to get his briefcase

    Could u give me a moment before you open the door?

    definitely -没问题


    I would prefer you call me Mrs.Grove

    At least in public

    My mom asked me to bring you these get-wellmuffins.

    Oh.that was nice of her-yeah,not really

    She just wanted me to find out what happened  to Mr.Grove

    Well,you know what happened,And I'm not telling  her

    So I guess it's kind of waste of muffins

    But I can still carry them in the house for you if you'd like

    No,thank you

    Tommy,that kiss we shared was sweet, but it was not adownpayment

    Look,if you don't find me attractive ,then just say so

    I find youalarminglyattractive

    But there are other considerations

    Like what?

    Your mother is my best friend

    So it would be an absolutebetrayalto sleep with her child

    I'm not a child.I've grown up,I've learned some things

    Like how to take care of a woman's needs

    Just give me a chance to show you the man that I've become

    That was a lovely speech,Tommy

    Next time try it without theskateboard

    God Isn't this magical

    Well,it's certainly nice

    You have no idea the kinds of places I grew up in

    When I was kid ,I thought that houses like this only existed onTV

    You never talk about your childhood

    Yeah,Yeah,that's cause it wasshitty

    It was justbouncingbetweenfosterhomes with parents who only saw me as another check from government

    But you make me feel like I'm worth something

    So ,that's really magical

    I guess it is

    Ooh,that's hot

    I was on my way tobakery,and I remembered we still have that pie in the fridge

    I'm sodumb

    You're also naked.why?

    Am I the only one?

    Oh,gosh,that's awkward.

    Well ,of course,there are two ways to fix this situation

    I could put on a suit



    Oh,there we go ,steady

    It's very kind of you to help me like this

    Shall we begin?

    How many men have I bean with?

    Karl,please I just had lunch

    You're not curious

    Not in  theslightest

    And if this arrangement is going to work

    You can't bring up topics that will upset me

    We need to talk about this,if we're to have any sort ofapprochement

    We have been married  for 10 years

    You can't say we haven't been happy

    No ,I cannot

    I’m glad you know the truth

    Now we can deal with it

    Come to some sort of understanding,and maybe we could be happy again

    Darling,I’m not ready to discuss this yet

    I’ve moved your things into the guest room

    I don’ t want anyone to know that we’re staying in separate beds

    Especially not my daughter

    I felt a little chilly

    I wanted to get my cashmere throw

    Oh,well,I’ll get if for you

    Sit down,Thank you

    Don’t be silly

    You’re very kind,darling

    You son of a bitch

    You said you swallowed the whole bottle

    How many did you really take?two? three?

    Theypumpedmy stomach

    I'm not paying for that

    Not when a goodburpwould have saved you

    And where's youcane?

    Please understanding,I was trying to prove I love you

    By faking a suicide attempt?

    You don't respond to small gestures!

    I'm going to work out

    If you and your things are not out of this house by the time I get home

    I will call the police

    Where am I supposed  to go?

    I don't care

    Well,maybe I will go to Naomi's

    Yes,she has a guest room

    Maybe she'll ply me withliquorand get me tospillall myluridsecrets

    And why would you do that

    You are the one who kept your sex life hidden

    I was married

    If you kick me to thecurb

    I'll have no reason-not to come out

    And then you,my love,will be anotherGrace Belknap

    Are you threatening me

    Yes,her husband ran off with theircapenter,I believe

    Oh,your friends were socatty

    I am fighting for our future  happiness

    By blackmailing me

    What do you think you're doing?

    What do you mean?

    You own swimtrunks,ELi,multiple pairs

    So why did Jade and I just get a face full of ass

    Well,I'll tell you why.

    You thought if you left Jade and I alone to get comfortable

    We'd get a little loose, a littlefrisky,and then you could just slide right in

    And the three of us would fuck the night way

    That may have been on my wish list,yes

    Solid plan,not gonna happen

    But what if it did?

    I mean think about it

    We like sex with each other

    We like sex with hot women

    It's one of the reasons we work as a couple

    We've got so much in common

    That's fine for us

    But what about Jade?

    I'm pretty sure she's into me

    The other day,she was going on and on about how much she liked my movie

    I like The Shining,That doesn't mean I want to fuck Stephen King.

    Okay,all right,well ,if you're not sure that she'd be into it

    Ask her,No it'd be weird

    Weird how?

    Like,I don't know if she's thatadventurous

    She fucked you in a fitting room

    Okay,It would be weird for us

    We've never done anything like this before

    No,it's doesn't have to be a big deal

    We've already got an open marriage

    Why can't it be open to Jade?

    I'll ask her for a three-way.

    Will that shut u up?

    I think you know it will

    Okay,but we won't pressure her

    I will take her aside,I will ask respectfully

    If she says no,

    You two coming or what?


    His boss saw yourtits?

    Don't make it sound worse than it was

    I'm not sure I could

    I was so angry

    I changed my whole look

    Rob did not even notice

    Here's my twocents,all right?

    Spend them wisely.

    Rob isn't cheating on you because you don't wear at latest styles form Paris

    What do you mean?

    What am I ,yourbodyguard?

    Hit him back

    So what I mean is,

    How is your love life

    Are u doing everything you can to keep him interested?

    Sometimes old dogs need new tricks

    I was a virgin on my wedding night

    I only know what Rob was willing to teach me.

    There's a book that you should read.

    These are dirty pictures


    They're scientific

    Why do you have this?

    There was a time that Leo and I felt our love life needed a littlezing

    And you actually do these things

    That's how we got Benny

    That's not for beginners

    Let's go back a few chapters

    We like to do that in the shower

    You've done that to Leo?

    And you really think Rob will like these things?

    I won't feel humiliated after?

    Sex is how women gain power over men.

    And there is nothing humiliating about that.


    Jumping jacks

    Simone,I've never seen you work out sofiercely

    I begain to wonder if maybe you're upset about something

    Not at all,just burning off the muffins you sent

    And everything's fine?

    Why do you ask?

    Wanda left the mostcrypticmessage on my answering machine

    Before she left forrehab

    Sheintimatedthat you and Karl were having some sort ofmaritalproblems

    You don't have to pretend.Not with me,I wasn't surprised

    I've known for some time about Karl'sindiscretions

    I don't know what you've heard

    I did't hear,I saw with my own eyes

    What exactly did you see?

    I was picking up my dry cleaning one day,and there was his car

    Parked across the street at someseedymotel

    So you know everything

    I mean,I couldn't tell you who the woman was,but

    I wanted to catch him in the act,but I couldn't just stand there all day waiting for him and hisfloozyto come out

    So you have no idea who he was with?

    I really do have to go.

    The important thing is  that you finally know the truth

    How long ago did this happen?

    You knew my husband was cheating for two years and you said nothing?

    Wives always say they'd want to know if their husbands were cheating

    But they never forgive the person who tells them

    But you're my best friend

    I'm so glad we had this talk

    You still want to make love to me?

    I'm free today at 4:00

    Where should we go?

    You're a man now, figure it out


    You're home early

    I have a business dinner.

    I wanted to come home and shower first

    another business dinner

    You've had a lot of those lately

    Duty calls职责所在

    Oh before we get in there, got any Jade tips for me

    You know, dos and don'ts

    Stuff she likes, stuff she doesn't

    Oh,you know that thing you do to me?

    With your tongue?-The circle thing

    Don't do that

    You don't think she'd like that?

    Because I've never liked it

    Copy that,Good tip

    I want to try something I read in a book

    I think you'll like it

    I have to concentrate

    Hold still

    Seriously ,honey,that kind of hurts

    I'll go slower

    You really don't have to

    I can't believe that just happened

    Well,It did

    I must have done something really good in a past life,like maybe I was Jesus or.....

    That guy that curedpolio

    What was his name?

    Yeah,that's right

    Yeah,it's  all about you guys now.

    So what can I do to help?

    I'm open to suggestion

    Can you just give us a minute?

    Yeah,we're both very close

    I'm gonna get some pie


    You look nice.

    I have thecatering vanall afternoon

    Oh,celver idea switching cars

    Where are we going?

    What do you mean?

    We are here

    You can't be serious

    You want to make love to me in a catering van?

    Thefutonis brand-new,and so are the sheets


    There's no way I'm getting into your mobile sexden

    For God's sake

    Then come inside

    So ,what do you think?

    You like the candle?


    All I can smell inpastrami

    Oh,yeah,We catered abrisyesterday

    I can't do this

    I even got us music

    I don't care if you hired the Budapest string Quartet

    I'm not fucking you in a van

    Look,I know you were probably  hoping for a nice hotel

    But I can't afford that.I'm sorry

    Don't be(别),I needed to remember this is a bad idea,Thank you

    Wait-wait,so you're just leaving

    You've always been a good kid

    And you're becoming a good friend

    but let's not let a sillyimpulseruin that,Okay?


    What will you tell the doctor?

    The truth

    I was cut toshredsmoments after my wife turned into a Frenchwhore

    There's no need to be rude

    Well,I'll be more pleasant once I've stopped bleedingprofusely

    For God's sake,What were you thinking?

    I wanted to surprise you

    Well,next time bake a cake

    I got the idea from a sex manual

    It said men like that sort of thing

    Well,men on shore leave,perhaps,

    Well, I had to do something

    I feel you pulling away from me

    That's not true,

    It is,It absolutely  is

    It's work,I've beenpreoccupied

    No,It's  more than that

    You are unhappy

    I see it

    Everyday, you get up, you go yo work, you come home ,you eat dinner

    You put on smile for my benefit你敷衍地对我笑

    and then you go to sleep

    That's what your life is.

    And it's empty

    Because of what we've suffered.

    Please don't talk about that

    We've tried not talking about it

    And it doesn't help

    You're drowning in the routine of your existence(你快被你的日常生活淹没了)

    I know because I'm drowning alongside you

    But maybe if we help each other

    We can survive

    I wish I was a better man

    You are a fine man

    I've made choices I'm not proud of

    Like what?

    The doctor will see you now

    I'll be back soon

    I'm glad we had this little talk

    That was fun,huh?

    I mean ,I knew sex was cool

    Because I'm not a virgin

    but my limited experience with the girls on thedrillteam did not prepare me for that

    Are you sure?because  you seem upset.

    I now realize what I've bean missing for

    God,such a very long time

    Not for years

    I told myself it's marriage,Passion fades

    That's what happens when you get old.

    You're not old

    You're a goddess

    Well,the temple's been closed for quite some time

    For reminding me that I'm still alive

    You want to do it  again

    Yes,what day's good for you?

    No,I meant now

    You can go again already?

    40min -----

    I got to hand it to you,

    That was some kind of fun

    Oh,I'm so glad we went there

    It was absolutely

    Hey,you don't get a lot of I-told-you-sos with me,babe

    Don't waste this one

    Are you sulking

    What up,Cause you don't look like a manwho just had his lifelong dream fulfilled

    I need to ask you something

    You in love with her?

    I knew it,six months

    That should have been my first clue

    I think you're jumping to conclusions here

    I saw the way that you looked at her

    When? I was there in the doorway

    You two were holding each other and

    I can't remember the last time you looked at me like that

    Honey,This isn't about me

    This is about you

    Don't do that

    You've been insecure lately because of your career

    Are you in love with her?

    Really,Because that look?

    Look,I admit ,she's more than just another hookup

    And I should have told you about her a long time ago

    But my love story is with you.  And it always will be

    I guess I have been feeling a little insecure lately.

    And when you guys didn't come downstairs

    I'm sorry  about that,truly

    Are we good?-yeah,we are good

    I thought we were having pie


    Where have you been?you committed adultery,Karl.

    That means you're no longerentitledto keeptabson my life

    Fire enough

    Did you go to the gym?

    I don't know,You seem,uh,energized

    Do I ?

    Yes,Have youembarkedon a new exerciseregimen?

    As a matter of fact,I have

    And I plan on working out as often as I can


    Well,I should get going

    To my dinner meeting

    You've just gotten back from the hospital

    I feel fine, surely whomever you're meeting with has already left.

    I called the restaurant

    They are still there

    ROb,please don't go

    This has been an awkward night

    I really do think you and I need some time together

    I need to make an appearance我需要露面

    They must be important clients

    Don't wait up



