The Surrender Experiment

The Surrender Experiment

作者: Zan_ | 来源:发表于2017-09-30 10:21 被阅读0次

前两天看完了 the surrender experiment,不同于“人定胜天”的豪迈,也不同于“积极规划、锐意进取”的运筹帷幄,the surrender experiment 强调的是对生活的臣服和不抵抗。这是一个似乎和我过去接触到的信息全然不同的角度。彼时我正处于这两年来内心最焦灼的阶段,对一些本来像是出厂设定般的观念产生质疑让我陷入了一种矛盾无解的混沌态,有很多可能性但无法收敛,导致本就不是特别多的能量被分摊到很多面,突增很多个脆弱点。所以当我在这个时候遇到这本书时,有一种“天启”般的恍惚。而在阅读的过程中,我也确实有被救赎到。

在书的作者 Michael A. Singer 开始他的实验之前有过这样的一个顿悟:

It dawned on me that perhaps I'd been going about this in the wrong way. Instead of trying to free myself by constantly quieting the mind, perhaps I should be asking why the mind is so active. What is the motivation behind all the mental chatter? If that motivation were to be removed, the struggle would be over.

This realization opened the door for an entirely new and exciting dimension to my practice. As I explored it inwardly, the first thing I noticed was that most of the mental activity revolved around my likes and dislikes. If my mind had a preference toward or against something, it actively talked about it. I could see that it was these mental preferences that were creating much of the ongoing dialogue about how to control everything in my life.


通过一系列相关事件的影响,作者最后提出了 the surrender experiment:

If life brought events in fromt of me, I would treat them as if they came to take me beyond myself. If my personal self complained, I would use each opportunity to simply let him go and surrender to what life was presenting me.


It required all the strength I had to be brave enough to follow the invisible into the unknown.


今天听说很多地方都降温了,放一句书的偏后章出现的看上去比较温暖的话,算是另外一种程度上的灵魂 Spa 了:

Something that started out looking totally disastrous had ended up with a positive result



      本文标题:The Surrender Experiment
