

作者: Sylivia_9a21 | 来源:发表于2023-06-05 03:02 被阅读0次

    空中掌權,掌什麽權?除了上帝,沒有任何其他可以掌權。Do not be afraid of the authorism in the sky. 但可惜世人都恐懼那空中掌權的,並向他跪拜。問題是,空中掌權的,是不是上帝呢?

    為何人們皆恐懼空中掌權的,而不選擇恐懼那所有掌權的上帝的?I would set the judgement at the last. people have sined each of whom would be counted. "江山是打下來的"。人們恐懼當下的打江山的人,卻不恐懼獨一真神上帝。 這樣值得不值得呢?anyone who have faith in me could have the eternal life. anyone who sined should be cast into the hell to be tortured and waiting for the second death. if you trun to me the Lord any time is not not too late to enter into the gate of heaven. 但是要做到真正的懺悔何其艱難?就好似背書臨時背一背不會記得牢一樣。Anyone Who Obey Me Should be my Child. people know the angle and think of him to be their king.  何人順應上帝?才有可能成為上帝的子民。如果不是上帝的子民的,又有什麽資格稱王稱霸?the Child of God, Prince of Peace. 為何人間生靈塗炭、民生雕敝、民不聊生、戰事連連? 上帝的子民在何方?I am the LORD for peace. I create all.  在正常情況下,人間應該是和平的。在異常情況下,人間才會變得烏煙瘴氣。 The earth is mine. 如果人們順應上帝,一切應是有序的。 I am for Righteousness and for Justice. 正是因人間失去了正義及公平,例如,失去言論自由及其他自由,失去真正的民主製度,人間才會變得烏煙瘴氣。而不應反過來,將失去正義及公平當作合理。失去正義及公平後,上帝的意誌在哪裏得以彰顯?  You can fight and fall down a bad man for one time, you can not fall down the good man. I am the Lord. who create all. 逆天叛道的行為,終將引向戰爭。the devil is the father of lies. 問題是,空中掌權的,是不是上帝?為何人們會將那空中掌權的當作上帝一樣,唯命是從?唯命是從還是唯利是圖?I Would Cast the Sined One into Hell.  the lover of money is the root of evil.  不需要恐懼那空中掌權的,因上帝不準。 Do not be afarid to follow my commands for i am in front of you to fight. i am the lord who never fail.

    Thanks for watching, may God be with you all. 



