1. Overview
1.1 Topics to be covered
- Framing (delimiting start/end of frames)
- Error detection and correction (handling errors)
- Retransmissions (handling loss)
- Mulitiple Access (802.11, classic Ethernet)
- Swtiching (modern Ethernet)
2. Framing Methods
2.1 Byte Count

2.2 Byte Stuffing

2.3 BitStuffing

2.4 PPP over SONET

- SONET = solid opitcal net, used by large ISP in the middle of backbones, fat pipe, giga bits
PPP = point-to-point protocol
- XOR byte with 0x20 means to toggle the 5th bit
- eg. 0x7E -> 0x5E
- eg. 0x7D -> 0x5D
- stuffed a byte and then XOR byte with 0x20
- eg. 0x7E -> 0x7D5E
3 Error Overview
3.1 Approach -- Add Redundancy
key issue is to structure the code to:
- detect many errors
- with few check bits
- and modest computation