

作者: Progressing精读 | 来源:发表于2018-04-13 23:42 被阅读0次

Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder 词根笔记(10)PSYCH





PSYCH comes from the Greek word psyche, meaning “breath, life, soul.” Psychology is the science of mind and behavior, and a psychologist treats or studies the mental problems of individuals and groups. Psychiatry is a branch of medicine that deals with mental and emotional disorders, and a psychiatrist (like any other doctor) may prescribe drugs to treat them.

PSYCH来自希腊词psyche,意思是“breath, life, soul呼吸,生命,灵魂”。Psychology心理学是心智和行为的科学,心理学家研究或对待个人和团体的心理问题。 Psychiatry精神病学是治疗精神和情绪障碍的医学分支,psychiatrist精神科医生(像其他医生)可能会开药以治疗他们。


Soul, personality, mind.精神;心灵

Analysts are constantly trying to understand the nation's psyche and why the U.S. often behaves so differently from other countries. 


Sometime back in the 16th century, we borrowed the word psyche directly from Greek into English. In Greek mythology, Psyche was a beautiful princess who fell in love with Eros (Cupid), god of love, and went through terrible trials before being allowed to marry him. The story is often understood to be about the soul redeeming itself through love. (To the Greeks, psyche also meant “butterfly,” which suggests how they imagined the soul.) In English, psyche often sounds less spiritual than soul, less intellectual than mind, and more private than personality.

在16世纪的某个时候,我们直接从希腊语中引入了psyche心灵这个词。 在希腊神话中,Psyche是一位美丽的公主,爱上了爱神Eros(丘比特),并在被允许嫁给他之前经历了可怕的考验。 这个故事通常被理解为关于通过爱来赎回自己的灵魂。(对希腊人来说,灵魂也意味着“蝴蝶”,这表明他们是如何想象灵魂的。)在英语中,psyche往往听起来比soul少精神,比mind缺少智力,比personality更私人。

2.psychedelic/ˌsaɪkəˈdelɪk◂, ˌsaɪkɪˈdelɪk◂/

(1) Of or relating to a drug (such as LSD) that produces abnormal and often extreme mental effects such as hallucinations.  (2) Imitating the effects of psychedelic drugs. 迷幻药的;引起幻觉的;致幻的

In her only psychedelic experience, back in 1970, she had watched with horror as the walls began crawling with bizarrely colored creatures. 


The most famous—or notorious—of the psychedelic drugs is LSD, a compound that can be obtained from various mushrooms and other fungi but is usually created in the lab. The other well-known psychedelics are psilocybin (likewise obtained from fungi) and mescaline (obtained from peyote cactus). How psychedelics produce their effects is still fairly mysterious, partly because research ceased for almost 20 years because of their reputation, but scientists are determined to find the answers and much research is now under way. Psychedelics are now used to treat anxiety in patients with cancer, and are being tested in the treatment of such serious conditions as severe depression, alcoholism, and drug addiction.

最著名的或臭名昭着的迷幻药物是LSD,这种化合物可以从各种蘑菇和其他真菌中获得,但通常是在实验室中获得的。 其他着名的迷幻剂是psilocybin(同样得自真菌)和mescaline(从peyote仙人掌获得)。 迷幻剂如何产生它们的效果仍然相当神秘,部分原因是由于研究声誉不好已经停止近20年,但科学家决心寻找答案,现在正在进行大量研究。 目前,迷幻药用于治疗癌症患者的焦虑症,并正在接受严重抑郁症,酗酒和吸毒成瘾等严重疾病的治疗测试。

3.psychosomatic/ˌsaɪkəʊsəˈmætɪk◂ $ -kəsə-/

Caused by mental or emotional problems rather than by physical illness.由心理负担导致的;由精神压力引起的

Her doctor assumed her stomach problems were psychosomatic but gave her some harmless medication anyway. 


Since the Greek word soma means “body,” psychosomatic suggests the link between mind and body. Since one's mental state may have an important effect on one's physical state, research on new medicines always involves giving some patients in the experiment a placebo (fake medicine), and some who receive the sugar pills will seem to improve. You may hear someone say of someone else's symptoms, “Oh, it's probably just psychosomatic,” implying that the physical pain or illness is imaginary—maybe just an attempt to get sympathy. But this can be harsh and unfair, since, whatever the cause is, the pain is usually real.

由于希腊词soma意味着“body身体”,psychosomatic表明心灵与身体之间的联系。 由于一个人的精神状态可能对身体状态产生重要影响,所以对新药的研究总是涉及给实验中的一些患者提供安慰剂(假药),并且一些接受假药糖片的的人似乎会改善。 你可能会听到有人说别人的症状,“哦,这可能只是由心理负担导致的psychosomatic”,这意味着身体上的疼痛或疾病是虚构的 - 也许只是试图获得同情。 但是这可能是苛刻和不公平的,因为无论原因是什么,痛苦通常是真实的。


One who treats mental or emotional disorder or related bodily ills by psychological means.心理治疗医师;精神治疗医生

He's getting medication from a psychiatrist, but it's his sessions with the psychotherapist that he really values. 


Many psychologists offer psychological counseling, and psychological counseling can usually be called psychotherapy, so many psychologists can be called psychotherapists. The most intense form of psychotherapy, called psychoanalysis, usually requires several visits a week. A competing type of therapy known as behavior therapy focuses on changing a person's behavior (often some individual habit such as stuttering, tics, or phobias) without looking very deeply into his or her mental state.

许多心理学家提供心理咨询,心理咨询通常可以称为心理治疗,因此许多心理学家可以称为心理治疗师。 被称为精神分析的最强烈的心理治疗形式通常需要每周多次问诊。 被称为行为疗法的另一有竞争的疗法着眼于改变一个人的行为(通常是一些个体习惯,如口吃,抽动或恐惧症),而不会深入到他或她的精神状态。



