公众号大名叫做英语精听小铺 Englishandlearning
第一 就是先完整的听几遍,直到听懂大意为止
第二 一句一句听写!可以倒带!一直听到听不懂为止
第三 完整听写完之后,对文本找原因,对症下药
第四 精读文本!
How much food do you buy each week?
Are you someone who stuffs your fridge and cupboard full of edible treats so you’ll always have something to munch on and you never go hungry
东西 You can use stuff to refer to things such as a substance, a collection of things, events, or ideas, or the contents of something in a general way without mentioning the thing itself by name.
特征,根本,基础 If you say that one thing is the stuff of another, you mean that the first thing is a very important feature or characteristic of the second thing, or that the second thing can be based or built on the first thing.
塞进 If you stuff something somewhere, you push it there quickly and roughly
装满If you stuff a container or space with something, you fill it with something or with a quantity of things until it is full
吃撑 If you stuff yourself, you eat a lot of food.
装馅料 If you stuff a bird such as a chicken or a vegetable such as a pepper, you put a mixture of food inside it before cooking it.
制标本 If a dead animal is stuffed, it is filled with a substance so that it can be preserved and displayed
Stuff sth 不在乎 Stuff your money. We don't want a handout
Get stuffed 滚开
do one’s stuff 露一手 Once I get on the pitch I know I can do my stuff
Know one’s stuff 精通 These chaps know their stuff after seven years of war
Edible treats可食用零食
对待,处理If you treat someone or something in a particular way, you behave towards them or deal with them in that way
治疗When a doctor or nurse treats a patient or an illness, he or she tries to make the patient well again
给...上保护层If something is treated with a particular substance, the substance is put onto or into it in order to clean it, to protect it, or to give it special properties
请客,款待If you treat someone to something special which they will enjoy, you buy it or arrange it for them
幸事an event that gives you a lot of pleasure and is usually unexpected
美味佳肴a special food that tastes good, especially one that you do not eat very often
款待something special you give someone or do for them because you know they will enjoy it
My treat 我请客
Look a treat 看起来很棒
Work a treat 效果很棒
Go down a treat 深受喜爱 That new vegetarian restaurant seems to be going down a treat
Munch on咀嚼
Go hungry挨饿
Or maybe,like me, you are more efficent with your shopping, only buy what your need and using up your leftovers so you keep the food waste to a minimum
Keep sth to a minimum将...保持到最低限度
Throwing away unwanted food has become a big issue in the developed world
议题 An issue is an important subject that people are arguing about or discussing
要点 it is the thing you consider to be the most important part of a situation or discussion.
报刊的期,号,版次An issue of something such as a magazine or newspaper is the version of it that is published
发布If you issue a statement or a warning, you make it known formally or publicly
颁发 If you are issued with something, it is officially given to you.
(液体、声音、气味)流出,发出,冒出 When something such as a liquid, sound, or smell issues from something, it comes out of that thing
While some of us chuck away unwanted items people in another parts of world face food shortages and starving
Chuck away扔掉,浪费
It's a shocking fact/ that a third of the world’s food is wasted each year
The actual figure is 1.3 billion tons of food/ which is enough to feed a billion hungry people
You may think supermarkets are弱 the main contributors to this moutain of food
the main contributors主要贡献者
After all they do discard stuff passed sell-by-date and they often refuse to sell vegetables and fruit that is a long (are the wrong) shape or look damaged
passed sell-by-date过期的
They’ve also been criticised for encouraging customers to buy more than they need through promotions such as弱 buy one get one free
晋升 a move to a more important job or position in a company or organization
促销 an activity intended to help sell a product, or the product that is being promoted
倡导 the activity of persuading people to support something
促进 the activity of helping something to develop or increase
Buy one get one free买一送一
But the biggest culprit for creating food waste is us
In Europ an incredible 53 of food waste come from households which result in 88 million tonnes of food waste a year
家庭,同住一个房子的人 all the people who live together in one house
家庭的,家用的relating to looking after a house and the people in it
So instead of filling our bellies our food is feeling up land for sights filling up landfill sites it is buried and left to rot
Landfill sites垃圾填埋场
Be left to rot腐烂
Unfortunately this causes greenhouse gases which eventually leads to global warming and climate change
In Denmark a woman called xx has been working hard to tackle this problem
Tackle the problem解决问题
She moved from Russia many years ago and was amazed to see the abundance of the food available in the supermarket
But despite so much avaiability she found that people were buying more than needed and throwing too much away
She convinced some supermarkets to stop selling their items in bulk so the (that) people bought only what they needed
In bulk大量
She produced the a leftovers cookbook and now she is now set up an education program in schools
造成 To produce something means to cause it to happen.
生产 If you produce something, you make or create it
产生 When things or people produce something, it comes from them or slowly forms from them, especially as the result of a biological or chemical process.
提供 If you produce evidence or an argument, you show it or explain it to people in order to make them agree with you
亮出 If you produce an object from somewhere, you show it or bring it out so that it can be seen.
制作(电影、电视节目);灌制(唱片) If someone produces something such as a film, a magazine, or a CD, they organize it and decide how it should be done.
This has helped create a significant 25 reduction in food waste which shows that something can be done
Creat a 25% reduction减少
Clearly, we need think twice when we put something in our shoping trolley
Think twice三思
Shopping trolley购物车
When we are at home we should make the most of the we have
Make the most of利用
Using recipes that use up leftovers or even sharing excess of food with our friends and neibors