

作者: Stephen_java | 来源:发表于2019-01-27 07:25 被阅读7次































Lesson 1: The Power of Tranquility

Quiet to self-cultivation, non-quiet and far-reaching, learning to be quiet. Zhuge Liang advised the child to be quiet before he could cultivate his body and mind and reflect on his reflection. If you can't calm down, you can't plan the future effectively, and the first condition for learning is to have a quiet environment. Most modern people are busy all day long. Should you calm down in a busy day and reflect on the direction of life?

Lesson 2: The power of thrift

Learn to raise morality. Zhuge Liang advised the children to save frugality in order to cultivate their own virtues. Prudent financial management, living within the limits of income, not only can get rid of the troubles of debt, but also live a simple life of discipline, will not become a slave of material. In a civilized society that encourages consumption, have you ever thought about the benefits of thrift?

Lesson 3: The Power of Planning

Non-parking is not clear, not quiet. Zhuge Liang advises children to plan their lives. Don't talk about fame and fortune in everything, they can understand their ambitions. If they want to calm down, they can carefully plan for the future. Do you have an ideal in the face of the future? Do you have a sense of mission? Do you have your own values?

Lesson 4: The power of learning

The husband must be quiet, and he must learn. Zhuge Liang advises the child's peaceful environment to help the study. Of course, with the calm and calm mood, it will be more effective. Zhuge Liang is not a believer in genius. He believes that talent is the result of learning. Have you studied with all your heart and soul? Do you believe in hard work to achieve success?

Lesson 5: The power of value added

Non-study is not broad-minded, and there is no way to learn. Zhuge Liang advised the children to add value first, and if they are unwilling to study hard, they will not be able to increase their talents. But in the process of learning, determination and perseverance are very important. Because of the lack of willpower, it will be abandoned halfway. Have you ever thought about how many people are motivated and stick to the truth?

Lesson 6: The Power of Speed

If you are slow, you can't make a difference. Zhuge Liang advised the child that he could not quickly grasp the key points if he was delayed. The computer age is the era of speed. Everything is about efficiency. I don’t think that the wisdom of more than 1,800 years ago will coincide. One step faster, not only ideal, have you thought about it, have more time to correct and improve?

Lesson 7: The Power of Character

The danger can not be tempered. Zhuge Liang advised the child that if he was too impatient, he would not be able to cultivate his temperament. Psychologists say: thought affects behavior, behavior affects habits, habit affects personality, and personality affects fate. Zhuge Liang understands that in life, he must make all kinds of balances, and he must "encourage" and "smelt". Do you want to improve the quality of your character?

Lesson 8: The Power of Time

Years and time, meaning and age. Zhuge Liang advised the children that time flies, and the willpower will be spent with time. "Less and no work, the boss is sad." Time management is a modern concept. Think carefully, time can't be managed, 24 hours a day. There are not many and many, but manage yourself and make good use of every minute. Please think about it, do you have a few years?

Lesson 9: The Power of Imagination

If you fall into a stagnation, you will not receive the world, you will be obsessed with poverty, and you will recover. Zhuge Liang advised the child to fly away. When he became disconnected from the world, he lamented the years and did not help. It is necessary to know how to be prepared for danger in times of peace. Imagination is more powerful than knowledge. Have you ever thought about it from a big place, starting small, and planning your life in a down-to-earth manner?

Lesson 10: The power of streamlining

A letter written by Zhuge Liang to his son, using only a short eighty-six words, streamlined the concrete message. I believe that streamlined expression stems from clear thinking and streamlined communication is more effective. Do you know how to make things simple and streamlined?


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