日更No.11 诗一首

日更No.11 诗一首

作者: YinNan | 来源:发表于2019-01-24 22:09 被阅读52次

昨天上课听到培训师读的一首诗,印象深刻。By Portia Nelson

Chapter One of My Life

I walk down the street.

There's a deep hole in the sidewalk.

I fall in.

I am lost.

I am helpless.

It isn't my fault.

It still takes forever to find a way out.

Chapter Two

I walk down the same street.

There's a deep hole in the sidewalk.

I pretend I don't see it.

I fall in again.

I can't believe I'm in the same place!

But it isn't my fault.

And it still takes a long time to get out.

Chapter Three

I walk down the same street.

There's a deep hole in the sidewalk.

I see it there.

I still fall in.

It's a habit!

My eyes are open.

I know where I am.

It is my fault.

I get out immediately.

Chapter Four

I walk down the same street.

There's a deep hole in the sidewalk.

I walk around it.

Chapter Five

I walk down a different street.


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