

作者: 阿B_欣 | 来源:发表于2017-07-25 22:42 被阅读22次



    Dear Ones,


    Soon the darkness will be left behind forever, and then the LIGHT will be ALL you can see and experience. Hand on Heart, breathe and here we go!!!


    These past few days of intense energies have been harsh for many, to say the very least. These new moon energetics signal New Beginnings for ALL. You are continually being prepared, and in these next coming weeks, a most significant Solar Eclipse, and more major energy accelerations will also affect your body upgrades. For those of you holding the Light, it has been as if the earth beneath your feet gave way.


    Some are questioning how much longer they can stand strong. Perfect time Dear Ones, to do just that. You are ever so close to that finishing line and those extra ounces of strength and resilience are needed right now.


    Breathe deeply Dear Ones call on the “reserves” you have within. You have prepared for times such as these when every ounce of your strength would be needed at the finishing line – knowing that when you do, it would be a Grand New Beginning.


    A time like no other.


    Dear Creators that you are – it is required now that you truly Ask for it to be given. Ask for the strength and perseverance you need when you feel you can no longer move another step forward. That is the time when you will be synchronistically led to the next high ground to rest and restore, ready for the last days of this old life which is about to be extinguished. The new YOU and the new EARTH awaits you to step into, ready to flourish in the LOVE and LIGHT that you are .


    All the old ways and baggage must now be left behind, the challenges and changes you have met in these past years will finally make sense when you step into the new dimensional energies of the New Earth.


    Dear Ones, we see your frustrations, we see how physically and mentally tired you are, we applaud you for your continued vision of forward moving. The trust and faith you have in each other shines. Your inner knowing allows you to be focused and that inner guidance allows you clarity in a confused landscape.


    Dear Ones, as always we walk with you and this will tr​​uly be known in the New Earth when we will no longer be your “invisible” friends and companions.


    As you move forward each day, placing another hand and then another within yours, gathering up new awakened ones as you go, we also hold your hands. Returning to the Oneness that you Are is a daily event and each new day adds more and more believers as information becomes available and the darkness is exposed for the control it placed upon each one of you, and your freedoms.


    You will soon know what true freedom is and you will embrace it because of all you had to sacrifice to achieve it.


    The time has come Dear Hearts, gather your family, friends, all souls together to celebrate the Grandest freedom of all. Divine LOVE AND LIGHT on your New Earth.


    And so it is.





    通靈: Leslie-Anne Menzies

    翻譯:Nick Chan



