Given a binary tree, find the leftmost value in the last row of the tree
Basic idea:
I use two global variables to store current level value and current qualified answer.
Here are my naive solution.
class Solution{
private int max = 0;//to store the current max level val.
private int res = 0;// to store the current qualified val.
public int findBottomLeftValue(TreeNode root) {
return res;
public void helper(TreeNode node, int level){
if(node == null){//base case
return ;
if(max < level){
max = level;
res = node.val;//update the max level value and res.
if (node.left!=null) helper(node.left,level+1);
if (node.right!=null) helper(node.right,level+1);//left and righe node are in the same level
//if I use "level++"here, then when it comes to the right node, the level value has been increased,
// thus, the right node level value is more than the left one, which is incorrect.